Quick copy coords to cliboard

We’re moving on – Locus Map 3.23 released

Michal, Locus team

You say, so early? It was not so long ago when we presented the 3.22 version full of news here. As you know very well, Locus Map is a never ending story of improvement and tuning. This time we aren’t going to shine upon you with ultra highlights, however, there has been so much work done by our super-powerful developer last month that it’s worth a new release. Let’s have a look at least at some of the stuff we prepared for you:

Geocaching – automatic image downloading

A treat for some geocachers – images accompanying listings of geocaches can be downloaded automatically without need to use the GC Offlinizer. Necessary settings can be found at a traditional place Settings > Geocaching > Auto-load images:

Auto-load images

Three options are available:

Three options of auto image loading

  • Disabled – auto-load is turned off, only texts will be downloaded and you’ll save some money for your mobile data
  • Image caching – the images are downloaded only temporarily for the time you use the app – they are deleted after restart. You’ll save some storage space.
  • Image downloading – the images are downloaded and stored in Locus/data/geocaching folder and you can work with them any time for how long you need until you delete them manually

TCX as an activity

And now something for Garmin-lovers. TCX is a format for import/export of tracks/routes from/to Garmin devices. Yes, there are still a lot of people who use them despite there is Locus – so far, smartphones haven’t overrun durability and battery capacity of these devices in rough conditions. We’ve added the “Activity” mode to the export – in this, all possible information about your workout is written to the TCX file – heart rate, cadence, etc., which can be correctly uploaded to various sport stats websites like Garmin Connect or Runalyze. The other mode, “Course“, contains just basic information about the track. The settings can be found in the detail screen of the TCX export:

TCX export modes

A new point default location selection

Until now the only default location method for creating a new point has been the map cursor position. Many of you prefer inserting points on a fixed GPS position so we added a setting where you can select between these two methods. You’ll find them in Settings > Maps > Points&tracks > New point default location:

new point default location settings

select default location of a new point

Quick clipboard copying of coordinates

Locus provides many options of sharing your location. Some of you wanted one more and above all the geocachers will welcome the quickest way of copying the map cursor coordinates to the clipboard – just hold your finger on the top panel.  Don’t forget to display the coords on it first as can be seen on the screenshot:

Quick copy coords to cliboard

And that’s it in a nutshell – however, much more has been done as you can find out in the release notes in Menu > About application > Release notes. Thank you for following us and enjoy the spring with Locus!


  1. Martin
    4. 4. 2017

    Díky za další a další užitečné vychytávky. Fakt dobrý.

    Akorát teda vaše Captcha na mobilu neukazuje v poličku znaky, které do ní píšu. :)

  2. Hartmut
    5. 4. 2017

    Ich vermisse sehr einen Google Maps Link im Locus anzuzeigen bzw. Zu importieren

    • Locus team
      7. 4. 2017

      Hi, unfortunately, terms of use of Google Maps do not allow using them in Locus.

      • Klaus
        8. 4. 2017

        Let me clarify. :)
        He doesn't want to use Google Maps, he wants that when he opens a link to Google Maps from browser, messenger etc., Locus offers itself for this action, just as the Google Maps app does.

        • Locus team
          10. 4. 2017

          This action is set in your mobile device - clear your default app for this action (now obviously Google) and afterwards select Locus to open georeferenced links. It depends on the kind of your device but probably it is in Settings > Applications > Default >

  3. Marc Goubert
    6. 4. 2017

    Love your product, innovation and your support. I have been a pro user for 4+ years. and I constantly tell people about your product.
    I am a hiker, biker, snowboarder, runner, mountaineer, climber, and even sailor. and I've used Locus for all those things and more. I'm not quite a geocacher, but I've been interested for a while and just became enamored with another type of location-based hobby--Ingress.
    I have seen forum posts in the past that have lightly discussed Ingress, and I'd like to bring that up again for you to consider. Ingress is a virtual game of capture the flag meets geocaching, and it has a rabid following of tens of millions. We use mapping applications which are specific to the game, and some generic apps that we make work as best we can. I think Locus could be a bigger part of Ingressor's toolkit, if there were some simple interactions between the map-based "Intel" portion of the Ingress world, and Locus Import features. Much like what you have done with geocaching, a similar function would be a boon for ingressors who are trying to cache and manage data for offline, backcountry use.

    If this is of interest to you, please feel free to reach out and I can explain in more detail, how this could be something to benefit the community.
    Thanks for everything.

    • Locus team
      7. 4. 2017

      Hi Marc,

      thanks for the idea. HOwever, as I can see at our helpdesk, the topic has been discussed with our main developer and was rejected: https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/ingress-plugin

  4. Honza
    7. 4. 2017

    Je super jak pracujete na vylepšení appky. Měl bych doraz k mapám. Uvažujete o spolupraci s mapy.cz a případnému využití jejich offline map?
    Děkuji Honza P.

    • Locus team
      7. 4. 2017

      Dobrý den, děkujeme. Uvažovat se dá o lecčem, pokud o tomtéž uvažuje i protistrana :) Mapy.cz zatím neprojevily zájem spolupracovat s jakoukoli aplikací jiné strany, jejich systém zobrazování map je úplně jiný než u aplikací na bázi systému Google. Naopak svoje prostředí i aplikaci neustále rozšiřují - již mají jednoduchý záznam trasy, plánování, navigaci atd. Takže ke spojení s Locusem není motivace.

  5. Pavel
    7. 4. 2017

    Dobrý den.
    S každou další aktualizaci se desim, co zase nebude fungovat! A je to tu! Keš nelze zobrazit v mapy.cz. tlacitko zmizlo. Do giogle to jde az 3x mapy, navigace, earth ale na to v ČR kašlu. Tyto mapy mi nenabizi offline rezim. Tudiz je to nepoužitelné.
    Bude tato chyba či umysl opraven aby to zase fungovalo?

    • Locus team
      10. 4. 2017

      Dobrý den,

      Mapy.cz jsou pouze jednou s mnoha aplikací, se kterou Locus spolupracuje. Jelikož byl při větším počtu nainstalovaných aplikací seznam již neúnosně dlouhý, přemístili jsme možnost zobrazení bodu v aplikaci třetí strany pod tlačítko "Sdílení" > "Sdílet" > "Jiné mapové aplikace", které vypíše všechny, které jsou schopné bod zobrazit, včetně Mapy.cz. Ty zvolte jako výchozí a při každém dalším použití se vám při volbě zobrazení v jiné mapové aplikaci bod zobrazí v Mapy.cz.

  6. sylvain MATIGNON
    8. 4. 2017


    Est il possible de partager ma position avec un autre utilisateur locus map et réciproquement..

    Merci de votre réponse.

    • Locus team
      10. 4. 2017

      Hi, sorry, we don't speak French... Yes you can share your position with another Locus user via "Live tracking" feature. See more here: https://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:functions:live_tracking

  7. Jürgen
    15. 4. 2017

    Super gefällt mir sehr gut ich komme damit gut voran.
    Ich überlege obich das Handy am Fahrrad anbringen oder über Hotspot eine Verbindung zu ei EM alten Tablett herstelle und das am Fahrrad Lenker anbringen dann ist die Bildfläche grösser.
    Wie gesagt ein altes Tablett.
    Schön ich bleib dran
    Gruß von Jürgen

  8. Agostino De Conto
    18. 5. 2017

    For about a month, the track record is no longer working. I only see a straight line linking the starting point with the arrival point

    • Locus team
      18. 5. 2017

      Hi, it seems your phone operating system switches off your GPS - try to switch off battery optimization. More info here: https://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:faq:gps_lost_fix_android6

  9. Rainer
    1. 7. 2017

    Hallo, bei mir bricht die Trackauzeichung ab, sobald der Bildschirm sich abschsltet. Ich habe die Schalter bei den Einstellungen aber korrrkt gesetzt. Was mache ich falsch?

    • Locus team
      12. 7. 2017

      Hi, it seems your track recording is stopped by your device battery optimization. Tur it off or assign Locus an exclusion. More info: https://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=de:manual:faq:gps_lost_fix_android6

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