At the beginning of last November, Android launched a new file management system in applications. What this meant for Locus Map, we described in detail in the previous blog post. The subsequent reaction of our user base was rightly stormy – such interference with user freedoms was imagined by few. Neither did we. But even though we had Christmas behind the door, we went back to work, fought hard, and managed to soften the effects of the November restrictive measures at least a little.
More options for working with external maps
The original solution for moving external maps to the Locus/Maps directory in the private folder encountered the impossibility of displaying this folder in common file managers, even with all the necessary Android permissions, let alone saving anything to it. So we’ve added these new options for saving the external maps:
Import maps within the application
Until now, Locus Map only used import for tracks and points. You can now use it to import raster map files too. Choose Import from the Locus features menu and use the file manager to locate the map. Click it to get the map to the default map folder Locus/maps/.
Use of Android/Media folder for maps
This folder, which you can find both in the internal storage and on the SD card, remains open for the time being and can also be accessed by other applications. This means that, for example, Locus maps can be linked to the popular c:geo. So:
- move the raster maps to the Android/Media/ directory using the system file manager
- similarly, move vector maps to the Android/Media/ directory
In Locus Map Pro, select the subfolder. Do not put vector map themes in the Android/media folder. You need to keep them in the default Locus/mapsVector directory, otherwise, the app will not load them.
Multiple subdirectories on the SD card
In the past, you could only move subdirectories with vector maps, elevation data, and backups to the SD card. We managed to solve how to get the following to the private folder on the SD card too:
- Locus/Maps directory – for raster maps
- Locus/mapsOnline directory – for definition files and online map cache
- Locus/data/geocaching directory – for user photos, spoilers, HTML listings, offline data, etc.
This will save you a lot more space in the internal storage!
P.S. If you can’t run your Locus Map 4 or Pro reasonably without the “all files access”, we have a special version for you to download from our repository. If you decide to install it, don’t forget to turn off the automatic updating of Locus Map in Google Play.
all files accessAndroid 11 file systemdatamain directorysub-directories
Glückwunsch zu diesem bisherigen Erfolg!
Wenn ich meinen Test zu /Android/media/app-folder korrekt erinnere, wird der gelöscht, wenn die betreffende App deinstalliert wird.
Mit c:geo und Cruiser kann aber in der Tat selbst auf die Locus-Folder dort zugegriffen werden.
Was jetzt noch fehlt in Locus:
- die Unterstützung von z.B. /Android/media/mapsVector oder was immer der Nutzer so einrichtet
- was wohl verbunden ist mit der Umstellung von LoMaps auf MapsForge 5.
Hoffentlich bald ...
Hi Michael, "the support of e.g. /Android/media/mapsVector" is implemented. Only the themes must remain in the default Locus/MapsVector directory.
Hi Michal,
I just tested with the latest LMP beta: getting /Android/media/mapsVector (e.g.) requires AFA, which makes the universal access trivial.
From Android perspective above folder can be accessed WITHOUT AFA.
Hence: why would Locus request AFA then?
Hi Michael, I've tested the same - vector maps in Android/media/ directory both in the internal storage and external SD card have loaded correctly on the latest LMP version. No AFA needed - actually the official LMP version can't have AFA.
I am talking about /Android/media/mapsVector and alike, WITHOUT the app specific path. This is the only proper way for the future (beyond temporary AFA grant by Google exception).
To allow mass data sharing, between LM* as well as with other apps.
AFA buys some time, to fix LoMaps going MapsForge 4+ and SAF for map access.
As you already know from Menion, this is not possible without the "scoped-storage". Either the app has AFA permission and can store its data anywhere including Android/Media/X or the app doesn't have AFA and then it can store data only to the app-specific directories, i.e. Android/Media/
I know the Scoped Storage dependency.
And you know what you have to contribute to allow Menion to make SAF happen, as many other Geo apps already successfully do.
Hlavním problémem systémové složky je tedy to, že se při potřebě reinstalace smažou všechna data? Včetně obsahu složky Android na kartě? Nepříjemné, ale při zálohování ne tragické. Pokud člověk nezapomene.
Dobré by bylo, kdyby šlo nad mapou použít fotky ze složky DCIM i na kartě. Ty už se do telefonu vejít nemusejí. Nakonec, foťák tam běžně ukládá.
Možnost využít v Locusu fotky z DCIM na SD kartě je teoreticky možná, zkusíme to prozkoumat.
Gibt es Probleme mit Android 12?
Hi Hans, so far, all works the same way on A12 as on A11.
Dobry den, mam platenu verziu Locus Map4 Premium. V Decembri 2021, po update Android 11 som stralit vsetky fotky / v POI bodoch cca 150 /.Na zaklade navodu som v Locuse povolil“přístup ke všem souborům”. Resetoval som a nic sa neudialo...fotky v POI stale nie su? Ked ze nie som programator neviem to urobit cez " file managery, jako např. Total Commander", priznavam, ze ani neviem kde "neaky" Total Commander mam hľadat. V tablete mam platenu verziu ASTRO File Manager a tam som pozadovane nastavenie nenasiel.
Viete mi pomoct ?
Dobrý den, kontaktujte prosím podporu na adrese a pošlete screenshoty nastavení výchozích adresářů aplikace. A také podrobný popis všech akcí, které jste provedl při pokusu o přesun dat. Vynasnažíme se pomoci.
Many thanks for the informations, your effort and support of this great app. LM 4 is awesome . br Peter
Thanks Peter!
Still no Android Auto?
Hi, Locus Map is a dedicated navigation app for hikers or bikers. No need to have it in a car albeit it can be used there with some limitations. I wouldn't personally use it for driving :)
Well, my 10000s of km with Locus in the car oppose.
U heeft het over een mogelijkheid om locus toch te gebruiken in Android auto.
Graag wat meer info,
Hi, Locus Map is not available for Android auto. It can be used as car navigation though but with many limitations (no 3D display, no traffic, no city titles rotation etc...).
Every time I go off-road, I'm recording my tracks. Dropping waypoints. Following my own previous tracks.
It would be great to have Locus on Android Auto to do this properly.
There's more to Android Auto than just street navigation.
Hi Matt, we know Locus Map is quite popular among ATV drivers, quad riders, motorbikers etc. But we primarily support eco-friendly activities that don't pollute the woods with exhalations, dust and noise.
Hello, I have a question concerning the size of the track. Since a couple of weeks I have tracks of the size of 10MB or more. They are approximately 15km and without pictures. I have already removed the app and reinstalled but without result.
Before there was no problem with the size of the track.
Can you help me please?
Hi, please contact our helpdesk at and send one of the tracks for analysis. Thanks!