Enjoy your Christmas with LoMaps and Compass maps for half the price!

Michal, Locus team

Despite the grim and sad situation with the global pandemic, it’s everywhere around us again. In the streets, shopping malls, TV, e-shops… Xmas trees, glittering decorations, carols, Santas with face masks…

And above all – Christmas sales! As you know, Locus has always celebrated this feast too. This year we won’t make an exception. Similarly to the last year we decided to offer you

Christmas sale -50% on all LoMaps and Compass maps!

Beginning on 21st of December 2020 until 1st of January 2021 you can download all map packages of these providers from Locus Store for half the price. And what can you get?

LoMaps – accuracy and wide choice of zooms all over the world

LoMaps are OSM based vector maps of the whole World. Optimized and maintained by our own map experts. You can change their content according to your activity – hiking or biking, skiing, traveling a city and driving a car. LoMaps can be zoomed to a great detail of 1:2.500 scale, contain a vast database of dynamic points of interest, address database and elevation data necessary for proper route planning. LoMaps are fully offline and are available in packages by countries, states or smaller regions.

LoMapy na tabletu i v mobilu

Compass – traditional hiking maps of the most attractive parts of Poland

This Polish cartography producer provides its maps exclusively in Locus. Maps of the most attractive tourist areas in Poland and partly in Western Ukraine contain precise, terrain-proved rendering with rich tourist content – hiking, cycling, horse-riding paths and trails, architectural and natural landmarks. Maps are available in offline packages and are zoomable to 1:50.000 scale.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Wesołych Świąt!


  1. HirviTie TM
    19. 12. 2018

    So there is not a Christmas sale for PRO application? It is a very pity!!! I was hoped I could buy this gift for me and I even began to prepare my own maps using scans of the paper maps. Unfortunately, all of the maps from Christmas sale is absolutely not detailed in my region. Obviously, Santa Claus does not favor a people from ends of the Earth in the coming year :)

  2. Marco B.
    20. 12. 2018

    I'm waiting for the Christmas time Locus Map PRO offer since january and now I read that there isn't. I'm very disappointed. SIGH. :-(

  3. MBeat
    20. 12. 2018

    Dear team, year ago you promised christmas sale for PRO version. I'm disappointed, because I was wait for it.

  4. Sepo
    21. 12. 2018

    😭 please
    I hoped too for Christmas sale for Pro!

  5. Michael
    23. 12. 2018

    Pro Sale?
    I'm a bit disappointed to not see a major of the pro version this year. Anyway, thanks for the great product which I regularly use

  6. sraj
    30. 12. 2018

    nedovolí mi stiahnuť SHOCart mapu Slovenský raj v akcii 115 L, vraj málo L, pritom mám 222L čo s tým

    • Locus team
      31. 12. 2018

      Dobrý den, aktualizujte si aplikaci na nejnovější verzi.

  7. Stan Raaijmakers
    1. 1. 2019

    I bought a new smartphone. Locus has been transferred. The purchased tickets have not been transferred. How can I get it back?

    • Locus team
      2. 1. 2019


      system cloud transfer of apps does not often work properly with Locus Map, please see instructions at https://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:faq:move_to_new_phone or contact support at help.locusmap.eu.

  8. Николай
    22. 12. 2019

    Вы прежде чем выпускать обновления проверяйте информацию, хотя бы сверяйтесь с ггц картами . Ну или давайте например тот же Эверест назем жужа гора

    • Michal
      14. 1. 2020

      Hi Nikolai,
      we don't create maps. We only use OSM data for our LoMaps. If there is an error in the map, please contact the map provider. We only develop an application.

  9. Ľubo
    28. 12. 2019

    I purchased PRO version a few years ago after using FREE version for long time. The plan was Christmas sale but then i realized, this app is worth the money. So i simply paid full price at that time. I can tell you, maps are way more expensive. Be thankfull.

  10. Daniel Grym
    30. 3. 2021

    Proč mi vánoční slevová nabídka přijde předposlední den v březnu... nepochopím...

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      ?? mohl byste prosím dotaz specifikovat? Díky.

  11. Daniel Grym
    31. 3. 2021

    Že mi dnes došla nabídka vánočních slev. Ty ale byly omezeny do 1.1. 2021. Nabídka byla na webu zveřejněna 3.3. 2021.

  12. Daniel Grym
    31. 3. 2021

    Přišel jsem, viděl jsem, specifikoval jsem.
    Odpověď... nedostal jsem. :(

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 5. 2021

      Přesouvali jsme web na novou doménu a celý web se předělával. U tohoto článku je tedy datum přesunu na nový web. Za případné zmatky se omlouváme.

  13. Radomír Grygar
    4. 4. 2021

    Kopul jsem Gold licenci LOCUS Maps 4.0 prostě proto, že jsou perfektní. Nicméně, netuším, jak převézt již zakoupené mapy z mé předchozí LOCUS Pro 3.5 (zatím jsem neodinstaloval) do nové ver. 4.0? Ostatně i pokus o nové zakoupení mé oblíbené KOMPAS mapy Rakouska selhal s hláškou chyby 501??? Mj. mám stále k dispozici již dříve ve ver. 3.5 zakoupené Locointy. Můžete poradit s řešením. Děkuji a přeji úspěšný další vývoj a zlepšování LOCUS map, které používám k maximální spokojenosti od prvopočátku...
    Děkuji za odpověď
    Radek Grygar

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 5. 2021

      Dobrý den,
      pokud problém ještě nemáte vyřešen, ozvěte se prosím na helpdesk https://help.locusmap.eu, kde se vám budou věnovat přímo odpovědní pracovníci.

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