Ve spolupráci s fakultou stavební ČVUT připravujeme průzkum v použitelnosti mapové aplikace Locus Map. Naším cílem je získat podklady pro…
Číst článekGood news especially for our German users. Until February 20, you can download Locus Pro for free! Just purchase the…
Číst článekLocus GIS is an Android application for users which need to work with geospatial data on their phones or tablets.…
Číst článekDear Users, new Locus Map is available so let’s go update. What you’ll get with new version? Dropbox This is…
Číst článekHi, Issue with server solved. Everything works fine now. Dear user, we’re facing some issue with our server. Some services…
Číst článekDear Locus users, Is it true, the new version is coming! Last 2.16.0 doesn't come with huge list of new…
Číst článekNew month is sign that new version of Locus is coming. So what news can you expect? New Online…
Číst článekLast version 2.14.1 brings testing version of new feature - fast zoom mechanism (currently working only for Android 4.2.1 and…
Číst článekShading, vector world map and bunch of improvements It's been more then month since previous Locus version. I'm anyway very…
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