Check amazing Ordnance Survey maps for UK travels!

Have you ever been to England? No? It's a high time you packed a few things in your rucksack and…

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AndroidPIT App Center store is closing

Dear users, The App Center will be terminated on 31 December 2014. It means that you will not be able…

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Výlety s dětmi & Locus

Výlety a zábava s dětmi – tipy na výlety s dětmi po celé České republice. Webová služba je dostupná přímo z Locusu,…

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Testování použitelnosti

Ve spolupráci s fakultou stavební ČVUT připravujeme průzkum v použitelnosti mapové aplikace Locus Map. Naším cílem je získat podklady pro…

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Locus Pro in Computer Bild

Good news especially for our German users. Until February 20, you can download Locus Pro for free! Just purchase the…

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Services available

Hi, Issue with server solved. Everything works fine now. Dear user, we’re facing some issue with our server. Some services…

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Locus Pro with 50% discount!

Are you using a free version of Locus and would you like to buy the application Locus Pro with Christmas…

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AndroidPIT reviews

AndroidPIT"s reviews are some of the most through and informative app reports currently online. Combining a detailed and easy to…

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