New Locus addon – GeoGet database

Michal, Locus team

Since new version of Locus 1.14.6 comes new addon – GeoGet database. Do you know GeoGet? GeoGet is geocache manager, where you can manage your final waypoints, add notes or waypoints to geocache or import/export geocache from/to GeoGet.

This addon provide connection between GeoGet database, where geocaches are save, and Locus, great map tool for Android! So you can view all your GeoGet geocache in Locus, manage final waypoints, view listing, etc. And everything offline!

It“s simple – install plugin (from Android Market), copy your GeoGet database to SD card, setup addon and run Locus. And just import geocaches.


  1. Install Locus – addon GeoGet database (Android Market)
  2. Set correct path to GeoGet database on your SD card
  3. Change filter in settings, if you want
  4. Open Locus, tap on map (hold finger), select last icon in bottom menu – Settings and select Load GeoGet geocaches.
  5. Done!

Some screenshots from addon and Locus:


  1. ShotgunPR
    4. 12. 2011

    Hi, would you consider adding support for website (or database) in Locus?

    I use extensively for geocaching and it provides me with an offline alternative of having the info of all geocaches when I need it. I use an Android phone, and having the GPX of the latest caches in the phone (or thru the website) is a really handy tool.

    Other option I would love to see in Locus is support for importing gsak gpx files. So far, I have not tried importing them but having some kind of native support in Locus would be awesome!

    Thanks for such an EXCELLENT application!

    • menion
      5. 12. 2011

      I'm sure that import of GPX files from GSAK is already working. Anyway I heard something from Kuratko (author of this addon), that he'll probably think about second addon with same functionality as this but from GSAK program ;). So ...

  2. Thiago
    6. 12. 2011

    I purchased the Locus Pro for Android and I'm really enjoying it.

    I'm just feeling really miss the option to sync routes and tracks to the site, as I did in ViewRanger.

    Do you intend to implement this functionality?

    • menion
      6. 12. 2011

      this is more on forum discussion then on post under different blog post. Anyway I don't know viewranger program. If you want store tracks online, I can suggest GPSies site, that is already in locus (for uploading tracks)

  3. Achim
    18. 12. 2011

    Hi Menion,

    I have a problem:
    which GSAK file(s) and where to find contains the Database of GSAK and has to be copied on the Android? I found in the BackUp of my GSAK database a file named gsak.db3, but I get an error message when I try to import these dates (the path is ok).

    Achim with greetings from germany with the first snow of this winter

    • Achim
      18. 12. 2011

      oh ****, I just see, I posted in the wrong section, I wanted to ask for the GSAK Add-On for Locus, please delete or move.

      And sorry again


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