News in Locus 2.8.0

New vector offline maps

Locus in version 2.8.0 comes with new vector maps and with new styles for vector maps. Primary aim of vector maps is offer low size offline maps for cycling, hiking, car driving or city tourism

How get new maps?

  1. Go to the Locus store, section Maps > Vector maps > purchase credit
  2. Download map via Map manager

For detailed information how to download new vector maps see

How much is it?

Downloading of the Vector maps, is charged for transmitted data and not by maps itself. That’s why you simply buy credit and not maps. For example:

  • Price for the Germany – 0.5 euro
  • Price for the Netherland – 0.3 euro

What is style of vector maps?

When you download new Locus vector map you can easily switch between different appearances of your offline map. At this moment there are four styles prepared for particular activities: Cycling, Hiking, City tourism and Car driving.

Geocaching – GCVote

Do you like geocaching but don’t know which geocache is better than another one? Locus has new possibility to show quality of geocache based on GCVote

How to show GCVote?

Select geocache in Data manager and choose Load GCVote. Than show detailed information about geocache where you can see GCVote quality.


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