News in version 2.17.0

Dear Users,

new Locus Map is available so let’s go update. What you’ll get with new version?


This is probably the best news for all users whose want to share routes, points or maps between more devices. So you don’t need to connect device to PC over cable. Simply copy any file to your Dropbox folder, start Locus > Menu > Import and choose Dropbox. Of course you can also export tracks or points directly from Locus to your Dropbox folder.

File manager and multi select import

Together with Dropbox comes Locus Map 2.17. with completely new File browser. Browser is better arranged, you can delete files or crate new directories. The main advantage is Multi-select which enable to import more files (same type) in one step. You can even import more PocketQueries at once.

New file browser,  multi-select
New file browser, multi-select


As was mentioned above you can export data into Drobox folder, but you can still export data into SDcard and in new version you can define the output folder for exported data.

Points and Track Speed improvement

As you probably know we regularly try to speed up whole Locus with every version. 2.17.0 comes with completely new handling with points or tracks. Now you can show 4 times more points on map and panning will be still smooth.

Notification settings

When you open the Locus settings you can find out some changes. Especially notification for Guiding and Navigation is improved. Settings has multi-level structure which enable change the details but also quickly turn-on/off the notification.

news_in_2_17_0_settings_News in version 2.17.0

news_in_2_17_0_dashboard_News in version 2.17.0

Other improvements

We have to mention improved TTS (text-to-speech) notification during guiding and navigation.

“Click back again for exit” is new feature that you can close Locus with double tap on “back” button. It needs to change settings Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > uncheck “Confirm on exiting”)

New Dashboard offers new icons and automatic captions for items. Now you can also show battery status on map screen.

Fixed issues

The list of fixed issues would be longer then whole article but there are the main fix: solved On-board map calibrator, Augmented reality is available, fixed text escaping during GPX import, fixed crashes on 2.x android and much more.

Enjoy new version and feel free to contact us with some issue or troubles.


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