Vector maps update & Version 1.15.1

Vector maps update

I have finally almost complete pack of updated vector maps. CloudMade from where I was downloading pre-generated maps, have too low frequency of updates, so all maps are generated directly from planet.osm file, directly by me and also by own polygon bounding boxes. Together with this comes two important information:

  1. because bounding polygons are defined manually, there should be some issues with borders. When there will be missing country border, then sorry, this is issue with MapsForge plugin. Anyway if there will be missing whole location (so location is not included in polygon), let me know and I update bounding polygon for selected country or area.
  2. Because number of users is growing and High-tech BrillenIn den casino s in Las (. server has only limited bandwidth, I decided to place whole America“s data on Amazon S3 server. Because this feature wasn“t tested before, I need some response from you, how this system works. I don“t expect best speed results, but I expect that you“ll be able to get your maps!

Hope all will works fine and no more negative comments, like „not possible to download maps“ will be needed. So new pack of vector maps will be published at start of next week Enjoy

Version 1.15.1

And also about new Locus version – what“s new? This release is mainly fixing some problems of previous version (did you anyway read a lot of news of previous version?)

support for new addon – GSAK database

I“m glad to announce, that new addon (similar to previous GeoGet database) is release on Android Market. Read more information here.

others …

as I wrote at start, this release is mainly for fixing bugs, so I hope that most reported problems are fixed now

ah, I almost forget. Thanks to big changes in map handling system, after install of new version, map reinitialization will process. Benefit will be more precise changing of map. So when you switch from Vector to Online or Personal, zoom level should remain same or at least, closest. Enjoy


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