Version 1.15.0

New, dramatically improved version, is slowly coming on Android market. There is a lot of news and I want to say something more about it

support for RMAP format

rmap (or rtmap) format, is well know map format, supported by programs like TTQV or CompeLand. Locus now allow to handle this map format. Simply place your converted map into Locus/maps directory and enjoy. If there will be issue, and map do not appear in Personal map folder, then map have one of not yet supported map projection, so please send me map configuration file or better whole map and I’ll quickly fix this issue.

better support for TAR maps

TAR maps till now, suffer by wrong map projections support in Locus. This is now finally fixed and map will be correctly displayed by it’s calibration. Anyway, if map will be displayed wrongly, please make same progress as with not working RMAP (text above) format.

aero overlays (OpenAir)

I’m proud to anounce full support for OpenAir data format. This format is widely used by all amateur pilots around the world. To display these files, simply copy *.txt files into Locus/mapItems directory. After then start Locus and go to menu > Functions > Map item manager. Here select your file and all data should be correctly loaded. Supported are also additional waypoints in *.dat format. Some nice source of OpenAir data is here.

improved POI and track labels on map

many improvements was done on this system. Labels are now better readable, they appear only in higher zooms, have correct priority during draw cycle so they always appear at top of other map items. Also you can select way of altitude drawing. When you hover tracks points, you can now see distance from start and to finish any many more

many improvements on POI and track display system

whole system used for drawing POI and tracks was improved in many ways. Main difference is reducing displayed points of tracks, depend on zoom, changing POI icons to dot to improve speed in lower zooms and more.

added quick mode to „Add new route“ function

you can now enable Quick add mode when you create new route manually. This allow quickly add a lot of points just by tapping on map. Quite useful if you have precise stylus or fingers.

ability to set extra directories for maps

feature requested by many people a long time ago. Sorry, it takes so long. Now you can add directories on SD card, even if you have Locus on internal memory or add maps shared by other map programs. Check Settings > Miscellaneous.

new improvements in Locus API

Locus API now allow some special features, mainly requested and used in GeoGet database addon, like sending more points to Locus at once, loading extra points data in time POI is firstly displayed and some more. More information here.

fixed problems with …

and many others. I’m also sure that many others will appear 🙂

first part of manual online – complete description of Locus settings

I’m glad to say you, that first part, complete Locus settings, is online in English and Czech translation, here on Locus homepage. Let us know, if any description isn’t clear enough

support us on Facebook

ah yes, and last thing. I don’t personally like Facebook, but seems like fastest way to inform You about current news, so you may support us here on new Locus Map Facebook page.

1 Comment

  1. ShotgunPR
    11. 12. 2011

    Support for database for geocaching?
    Full Geocaching API support?

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