Navigujte ze svého zápěstí s novým Wear for Locus Map

Michal, Locus team

Ovládání vaší nejoblíbenější outdoorové mobilní navigace nebylo snažší a rychlejší – představujeme vám Wear for Locus Map, doplňkovou aplikaci pro chytré hodinky Android Wear.

Nyní máte mapu, ovládání záznamu trasy i navigaci přímo na vašem zápěstí!

Svoji polohu najdete hned

  • stačí letmý pohled na mapu a hned víte, kde jstesquare-350px-map

Stačí klepnout a spustíte záznam trasy

  • vyberte si aktivitu na trase – běžíte nebo jedete na kole?
  • START a už jedete
  • přerušte záznam nebo vložte trasový bod
  • zastavte a uložte si trasu
  • mrkněte na rychlostdélku a převýšení

Navigujte snadno s vašimi hodinkami

  • sledujte navigační příkazy
  • vždy máte pod kontrolou svoji polohu na trase, vzdálenost a tvar příští odbočkysquare-350px-navig

Ovládání je jednoduché a intuitivní

  • otevřete nabídku stažením displeje dolů

Stahujte Wear for Locus Map z Google Play Storu ZDARMA!


  1. webmicha
    2. 1. 2018

    Sehr schön!

    Gibt es auch Überlegungen Locus Apps auf Samsung Gear Devices anzubieten?

    • Locus team
      2. 1. 2018

      Hi, yes, there are some considerations but not in nearest future, so far.

      • TommyM
        9. 1. 2018

        It's a pity, because today Samsung delivers high-end devices that I think should be part of the nearest future.

  2. Puffolino
    2. 1. 2018

    Looks great!
    Could be interesting to transfer this to Garmin watches (I own the Forerunner 935) which are able to run self-written apps (using a simplified c language) and have have a big plus (some weeks battery time) compared to other watches.

    • Stephan
      5. 1. 2018

      +1 for Garmin watches (the best watches for outdoor activities)

  3. ug
    5. 1. 2018

    Mir fehlen hier Informationen, auf welchen Smartwatches die App läuft, z.B. auf einer ASUS Zen Watch 2, die ist ja recht günstig?
    Ich habe bei der Asus den Hinweis gelesen, dass sie nicht mit Drittanbieter-Apps zusammen arbeitet. Trifft das auf Wear für Locus Map zu?

    • Locus team
      8. 1. 2018

      Hi, we haven't tested Asus Zen Watch 2 in particular but Wear for Locus should work with all of these Google-approved watches:

  4. Christoph
    9. 1. 2018

    If I have a smartwatch inkluding GPS and Heartrate (Moto 360 Sport), do I need the smartphone for recording tracks?
    Is it also possible to record the heartrate according to the track?


    • Locus team
      10. 1. 2018

      Hi Christoph,
      Wear for Locus is not a standalone app - you always need Locus running on your phone paired with your watch. Locus, of course, can record heartrate along the track. Associate your HRM with the recording profile you use for this activity (Locus settings > track recording > recording profile > settings)
      Michal, Locus team

  5. Christer Nervik
    9. 1. 2018

    Works great !!
    Samsung S7 Edge + Sony Smartwatch 3


    - Heading course line at the clock - always point to north .. (top at the ckock)

    - Distance to point (guide on) show the the distance twice. If it's 50m - it shown "50m 50m"

    • Locus team
      10. 1. 2018

      Hi Christer,
      thanks for the feedback. #1: heading course line at the clock is different from what is displayed on your phone?
      #2: we'll have a look at it. Next time please report all issues with Wear for Locus at Thanks. Michal, Locus team

  6. Moab
    10. 1. 2018

    Také se pridávám k prosbě pro podporu samsung Tizen!

  7. happy locus user
    22. 1. 2018

    It's great that wear support is now available. Especially for fine grained orientation, the map feature does a great job in my opinion.

    After first use I have following questions/comments:
    - It would be great if you could make the map moveable (perhaps Maps-like).
    - Is it possible to cache the map tiles more aggressively on the clock? Seems the tiles are loaded via bluetooth, which takes a while.

    Thanks for the great work so far!

  8. Jhon Ruiz
    23. 1. 2018

    Cordial Greeting, Mr Locus Maps

    I am very interested in the Wear for Locus Map application. Can you recommend me, what are the smartwatch compatible with this application? I have a Motorola G5, with Android 7.0


    Jhon Ruiz

    • Locus team
      23. 1. 2018

      the link is in the article:

  9. Martin Graichen
    24. 1. 2018

    Jetzt noch für Tizen, so dass Locus auf der S3 Gear funktioniert. Das wäre ein Traum.

  10. John
    25. 1. 2018

    Please make a version for samsung gear watches!

    • owen chen
      2. 2. 2018

      please consider for samsung gear s3,

      • Ingo Orland
        14. 3. 2018

        I also vote for support for Gear S3. Pleeease

  11. Honza
    30. 1. 2018

    Prosím, neplánujete to samé pro Garmin hodinky? V mých Fénixech by to Locus PRU slušelo ;) Děkuji za tuto skvělou aplikaci.

    • Locus team
      30. 1. 2018

      Dobrý den, uvidíme, rozhodneme se na základě zájmu.

  12. Gerd B.
    1. 2. 2018

    Very nice. I have a Smartwatch 3. Is it possible to make the data on the Display configurable?

    Data on my watch, that I want are:

    Heartrate, act. speed, clock, time elapsed, distance

    on a second Screen

    Cadence, avg. heart rate bpm and %, avg Speed, Elevation gain

    maybe that can be a configuration Setting on Smartphone in the Profile



    • Locus team
      1. 2. 2018

      Hi Gerd,
      so far, it's not possible but we plan to add the option of screen configuration in some of future versions. Stay tuned!

      • Gerd B.
        2. 4. 2018

        Any news about screen configuraion? Is an release date for this feature available?

        • Locus team
          3. 4. 2018

          We issued a new version 12 days ago. It brought map shifting and support of HW buttons control. Screen configuration is planned for the next release that will be some time in 1-2 months.

  13. Schandri Oliver
    4. 2. 2018

    Funktioniert die App mit der Huawei watch2?

    • Locus team
      5. 2. 2018

      Yes it works.

  14. Heinz
    15. 2. 2018

    Guten Tag

    Ich suche eine kompatible Wear Watch für Wear für Locus Map. Interessieren würde mich Samsung Gear S3
    Sony Smart Watch 3
    sind diese beiden Uhren kompatibel?

    Danke für Eure Hilfe
    Gruss Heinz

    • Locus team
      15. 2. 2018

      Hi Heinz,
      Sony Smart Watch 3 is compatible, Samsung Gear S3 is not (different operation system).

  15. JH
    17. 2. 2018

    Have you looked into doing a version for Garmin watches?

    • Locus team
      19. 2. 2018

      Hi, yes we're thinking about it

  16. Hartmut S.
    18. 2. 2018

    I'm using a Ticwatch E with „Wear für Locus Map“ connected to my Sony Z1 Compact with “Locus Map Pro” installed. On my Sony Z1C I use the “Openandromaps” since years.
    When I connect my “Wear für Locus Map” (GPS Ticwatch on) to my Sony Z1C (GPS on), the Watch shoes the correct map with my position somewhere in the middle of the display. But… there is the blue mark missing on the display exactly showing my position. If I enable the display on my Sony Z1C and step into Locus Pro the blue position mark is activated on my Ticwatch too… until the display of my Smartphone is deactivated after some seconds idle… then the position mark disappears on my Ticwatch.

    Have you some hint or idea what may be configured wrong on my Smartwatch and/or my smartphone? I would be happy to find always my exact postion on the Ticwatch marked.

    Thanks in advance

    Hartmut S.

    • Locus team
      28. 2. 2018

      Hi, it's a bug we know about which will be fixed in the next Locus version. For the time being, set "Locus as service" in Locus settings > Miscellaneous.

  17. Joseg
    18. 2. 2018

    Tez se pridavam k prosbe pro aplikaci na Samsung gear s3, diky

  18. Miro
    13. 3. 2018

    Tiez mam Garmin Fenix 5x a urcite by bolo dobre mat v nich aj Locus

  19. Andreas
    15. 3. 2018

    Hi - should I expect the plugin to work with Zenwatch 2? I am wondering because that watch does not have internal GPS.

    BTW: This plugin would be only reason for me to buy a smartwatch, I am planning to use it as a cycling nav.

    • Locus team
      16. 3. 2018

      Hi, the watch doesn't have to be equipped by GPS - all data is transferred from your phone running Locus.

  20. Dalibor
    16. 3. 2018

    Dobrý den,

    chtěl bych se zeptat, jak poznám které chytré hodinky mě budou fungovat s aplikací locus. Jsou to vše co mají podporu android? Děkuji.

    • Locus team
      19. 3. 2018

      Dobrý den, měly by fungovat všechny hodinky s OS Android Wear.

  21. Danijel
    21. 3. 2018

    Dear Locus team,

    first big respect for your work and launch of android wear connectivity with Locus. I use locus pro on my android phone usually for mtb cycling and exploring new routes on terrain.

    I was thinking about buying android watch (for ex. Ticwatch s) with built in GPS and connect it to my phone. I have few questions, when you pair an android phone with ticwatch s and turn on navigation, is then navigation based on android internal GPS or smartwatch gps? (because inernal phone gps consumes a lot of battery, it would be great that uses watch gps).

    And one suggestion, i didn't found any video of pairing locus on phone with watch and use of this on terrain, it would be great to put few minutes of this video ;)

    • Locus team
      21. 3. 2018

      Hi Danijel, Wear for Locus addon works only as an extended screen of Locus Map running on a smartphone - it is not a standalone app. The addon must be installed on both the watch and your mobile.

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