AndroidPIT reviews

AndroidPIT“s reviews are some of the most through and informative app reports currently online. Combining a detailed and easy to understand format with exact feature breakdowns and user comments, the app reviews are a mixture of expert opinion and real-world experience. Users are also invited to comment and rate Android apps they have used and this feedback is factored into an app“s overall meta rating as are market reviews as well, meaning with AndroidPIT you know everything people are saying about a given application regardless of who they“re saying it to. What“s more, their app reviews are quite detailed. Not only do they describe the overall application, they also break down the user“s experience and describes the application from every perspective, insuring that readers know everything they need to before they buy an app.

They draw on extensive experience working with current generation smart devices and are both passionate and impartial in their reports, which is probably one of the reasons that the review page is so popular; readers know that AndroidPIT is there to help them be smarter Android consumers. Additionally, the review page is seamlessly integrated with AndroidPIT“s App Center and popular social media hubs like Facebook and Twitter assures that, once users“ interest has been peaked, they can download the desired app just within a few seconds and let their friends know about it too.


So please check out my Locus Pro app review now. You can choose between 6 languages… so enjoy.


  1. berkley
    16. 12. 2011

    Nice article ;)
    However, the link goes to the "AndroidPit Market Page" of Locus. It doesn't link a new review...


    • menion
      16. 12. 2011

      scroll down on market page ... there is already six reviews, so instead of six links ... ;)

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