News in version 3.1.0

Dear Locusers,

Download additional data

New month is here and also Locus comes with new version.
The list of news is probably short but the most changes were made in core with goal to improve performance and solve some issues.

You can see the most significant change when you open Locus for the first time. Locus asks you for downloading additional data – it’s a new library which helps us to implement offline POIs in next two months.

We are also glad that Locus store is successful project. Minor issues were solved and it seems that you like the welcome gift (three vector maps for free). Purchasing of LoCoins is more stable and secure.

As usual we’ve improved some parts of Locus core – for example reading offline elevation data (HGT files) is more quicker an also lot of solved minor issues.


  1. Ulmus
    3. 7. 2014

    All vector maps are gone. Cannot set root folder to external sd card! I don't know what to do, I cannot use locus :-( where I can download previous version?

    • Voldy
      4. 7. 2014

      Issue is solving on our helpdesk:

  2. Peter
    3. 7. 2014

    Hi, after updating to new version my vector maps from previous version are not recognized ("problem with xxxxx.maps")

    That's rather disapointing :-(

    • Voldy
      4. 7. 2014

      Hi Peter,
      - does it happen for every your vector maps?
      - can you see the list of vector maps in Menu > Map > Vector ?

  3. Lars
    6. 7. 2014

    Following the update it crashes on the Galaxy Tab GT-1000.

    • Voldy
      29. 7. 2014

      Hi Lars,

      we're sorry for troubles and for late response. Are you still facing this issue? Or was it solved in some previous update?
      Thank you

  4. Jörg
    9. 7. 2014

    Bekomme Fehlermeldung : "Änderungen im Locus Verzeichnis gefunden" und "Problem mit Arbeitsverzeichnis"
    Kann Locus nicht mehr starten. Gleiches Problem bei Samsung S4 u d samsung tablet 8

    • Voldy
      29. 7. 2014

      We're sorry for late response. Are you still facing this issue? There was updates that should solve your issue.
      Thank you

      Es tut uns leid für die verspätete Antwort. Sind Sie immer noch mit dieser Frage? Es gab Updates, die das Problem lösen sollte.

  5. Christian
    20. 7. 2014

    Phone: xperia v cm11kk4.4.4 the new locus drain the battery when I 'm recording a can I help you to find why?

    • Voldy
      29. 7. 2014

      Hi Christian,
      sorry for late response. Please try to measure precisely which process consume your battery. Android default battery tools is not accurate. I suggest to try the GSam battery monitor app.
      Please see discussion at:

  6. john
    29. 7. 2014

    After updating to last version I cannot download google maps anymore nor here maps. Can I return to the previous one?

    • Voldy
      29. 7. 2014

      Hi John,
      Locus does not support Google Maps nor Here Maps because terms of use. You've probably used unsupported add-on MapTweak which is not developed by Locus team. Please contact developer of mentioned add-on with your issue.
      Thank you
      Best regards

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