End of validity of the Add-on Vector maps

Due to the constant uncertainty about validity of the Add-on Vector maps for Locus, we would like to clarify the current situation. The add-on Vector maps was valid for limited time (since 2.9.2011 – 30.6.2012).

  • Since 1.3.2012 we finished possibility of the purchase, so every user could use the add-on min. 4 months.
  • After the expiry date, it means the date 1.7.2012, we removed the add-on Vector maps from the Google Play forever.
  • Since 1.3.2012 we distribute the Vector maps actually via Locus Shop by the purchasing system In-App billing.

I am a user of the add-on Vector maps. What can I do now?

  • Remove Add-on Vector maps from settings of your device (add-ons are in the same list as regular applications).
  • The Vector maps already downloaded by the add-on, you can use in your device without changes.
  • For new maps or updates old maps, visit our Locus Shop directly in the app Locus, where you can purchased “credit” for Vector maps.

What is it “Credit” for Vector maps? What do I get?

  • You can purchase data for downloading Vector maps as “data subscription”. After purchase (for example 2GB), you own data for downloading of the Vector maps, not specific vector maps of individual countries.
  • More informations about downloading Vector maps after purchasing of the Vector maps you find here.
  • We hope, you will be satisfied with this system of distribute of the vector maps and functionality of the Locus Shop, which offer many more maps and items for using in the Locus.


  1. Alastor
    6. 7. 2012

    It seems that you just want to get money from the users twice. Do You really think, that someone will be satisfied by this solution? When I have purchase Vector addon, why didn't you've mentioned, that it will be useful just for the limited time?

    • hanka
      6. 7. 2012

      Hi Alastor,

      it is not our intention to get money from our users twice. The Vector maps aren't a source of our main income.
      Please, look at the AndroidPIT http://bit.ly/L50Tls
      There is original text of the Add-on Vector maps, where we informed our users about limited validity.

  2. Michael Grube
    6. 7. 2012

    If this means I can no longer use vector map files downloaded from mapsforge in the future, I totally agree: This is a strong dislike. I do not know what type of vector maps you sell on the Locus shop, but it it is OSM based material, I'm not even sure if that will not violate the OSM license... Anyhow, Locus has been a very nice software so far and I would have been willing to pay more for the software itself or possibly pay for a vector maps addon - but I'm not willing to pay for a map subscription to data I can have free legally on the web.

  3. menion
    6. 7. 2012

    Guys you probably understand it wrong, so I'll try to clear it a little bit!

    1) there are no limitations in using vector maps. You can simply create own maps as described in MapsForge, you can simply use already downloaded maps, you can download and use whatever maps you want! There are NO LIMITATIONS.

    2) we're not a charity. Add-on for Vector maps downloading was unlimited, but data were stored on Amazon servers, so we paid storage and bandwidth. Some users should have this add-on for almost 9 months, and I'm sure, most of them downloaded maps for more then 1€. That's why we created system that is currently available

    3) to sumarize it - you don't have to pay for maps! You can use maps you already have! If you're lazy and don't want to fight with Osmosis, you may pay 1€ for 2GB and use simply system that is integrated in Locus. And you don't pay for OSM data, but for stuff around.

    And btw. there is no problem with selling OSM data as long as data remain under same licence. So you can download all maps Vector maps from Locus Shop and sell them on your own

    EDIT: after second reading I maybe understand little bit ... more. You think that this add-on allow to display vector maps?? NO! It only allowed unlimited downloading from Locus server. So support for this unlimited downloading ended. Thanks all ...

  4. Michael Grube
    6. 7. 2012

    Ok, sounds better - so the vector map addon is NOT needed to display or use any vector maps and it's only purpose is to DOWNLOAD vector maps from somewhere?

    • menion
      6. 7. 2012

      Exactly! To download maps that we generate and store for distribution on Amazon servers. It have nothing to do with Vector maps functionality in application!

  5. Lukas Budinsky
    13. 7. 2012

    mam technicky problem. Potrebuju si stahnout nove vektorove mapy UK, zaplatil jsem si kredit v Shopu a pri pokusu o stahnuti me to neustale varuje, ze add-on neni validni. Pochopil jsem, ze to ted je delane jinak a chtel jsem addon podle doporuceni odinstalovat, ale NIKDE ho nemuzu najit.

    - ani v nainstalovanych aplikacich
    - ani v seznamu aplikaci na google play
    - ani nikde v locusu v seznamu spolupracujicich aplikaci a modulu :(

    Vim, ze jsem ho kupoval, instaloval - ale jak se ho zbavit? Diky za tip, at jsem nevyhodil kredit zbytecne (potrebuju skotsko docela rychle, dokud jsem na wifi :)

  6. teamdub
    23. 7. 2012

    All of the market comments are complaining about this too. People, have a look, its not a money grab! its dirt cheap. They are just trying to recoup some costs. $1.27 for me to download 2GB of maps... well I downloaded the map for my province (Canada) and its 16MB. Unless I plan to "browse" the planet, that's not very expensive at all.
    And if you really cannot afford $1.27, you probably won't need the maps because you can't afford to travel. Also, you can make them yourself for free! For me, time is money, and I would gladly pay $1.27 to save myself hours.

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