How to use Locus Map on a PC?

Michal, Locus team

The Locus Map application was created as purely “android” software for smartphones. However, our users have always wanted to use it on a desktop or laptop computer – the idea of browsing their favorite maps or planning a trip on a big screen is naturally appealing. Until recently, it was only possible to run Locus on a PC using the Android emulator, but now more options are available. Let’s take a look at them in more detail.

Locus Map on the web

About two years ago we launched our new website, which includes a route planner with a route library. Although it is still labeled “Beta”, as it is still under development, it can already do a lot:

  • it displays summer and winter LoMap and satellite maps of the whole world including descriptions
  • it can display your approximate location on the map
  • it can search for places on the map, view, plan, import, export, and share routes
  • you can browse your database of routes and points of interest on it
  • it synchronizes with the Locus app on your phone or tablet

Now let’s take a look at how to use it:

How to use the map?

Just like on other mapping sites, e.g. Google Maps, i.e. use the mouse wheel to zoom and the cursor to scroll. In addition, there are zoom buttons on the top right. Below them are the map selection button and the map legend:

The centering button below the map selection puts your position in the center of the screen (but you have to enable this action in the browser). The last button triggers the import of a GPX file.

The map also includes LoPoints – places of interest, accompanied by information and photos. Their descriptions and photos are taken from Wikipedia, and some photos are supplied by Locus users themselves, as we wrote about here >>.

How to plan a route?

Route planning is a major benefit of the big screen, providing ample space and context. It works similarly to the app – you choose an activity or mode of transport in the panel on the left, then click into the map on the places through which you want to take the route. The route is plotted along roads, paths, and footpaths according to the activity you’ve chosen

You can, of course, include LoPoints in your route as well as custom points of interest that you have previously activated on the map.

As already mentioned, the route is plotted between waypoints based on the activity or means of transport selected. You can change this freely, both when adding waypoints and subsequently when editing individual route segments. If you need to route off-road, you can choose to draw the route manually.

To check the elevation progression, a graph of the elevation and slope of the route is displayed at the bottom.

When you’re done, you can export the route as a GPX file or share a link to it. GPX can be opened by any map service or application, and the URL will display the route on the Locus website in all known browsers. 

If you have purchased or subscribed to Premium Gold, you can save the route to your library and sync it with the Locus Map app on your smartphone or tablet.


On the map, you can also view routes from elsewhere, from other sites or apps – just import them in GPX format. And not just routes, the imported file can also contain waypoints, such as caches you’re going to hunt for during your trip.

Library of routes and points

If you have activated the Premium Gold package, you can see in the web library all your routes and points that you have created, recorded, or imported. All your devices that use Locus Map under the same account are synchronized with the library.

In the web planner, you can browse the library in the panel on the left. Route and point categories are placed on top of each other and show the same group and folder structure as in the app. Routes are sorted in the folders by creation date, however, we’ll introduce more sorting options shortly. You can view the routes individually on the map. Each route is provided with length, time, elevation gain, and other statistics, a map preview, and an elevation graph.

The points are alphabetized in the folders and you can display the entire folders on the map. Each point detail contains basic information about the location, elevation, and date created. In addition, cachers will enjoy the basic attributes of geocaches – size, difficulty, terrain, etc.


The web planner can search for interesting places on the map, both by category and full text in the names. As soon as you enter the first few letters in the search box, the categories and nearest points pop up according to the selected map area. 

Click on a category to highlight all the places on the map that fall within it:

Clicking on a specific point or location will open the details panel and center the object on the map. 

“Full” Locus Map on your computer

Although the “web Locus” can do a lot, it only provides a fraction of what the full Locus Map app is able to do. So if you want more on PC, you need to wade into the waters of emulated Android environments or use screen sharing or remote management systems. 

Try it with an emulator

From our user feedback, we know that Locus Map can run on the latest Windows 11 directly using their virtual subsystem. However, this is fully accessible in some countries only. The app also works without a problem on Google’s Chromebook, but again, it can’t be compared to a PC in terms of versatility. 

Locus Map on Windows 11 Android subsystem

On other PCs and laptops, you have to use a third-party Android emulator. With this software, you can embed an Android-operated window in a Windows environment. There are a variety of emulators, from variants for experts and developers to game fans.

Locus Map on NOX Player

As an example, we choose the NOX emulator with which we currently have the most personal experience. It has several advantages:

  • easy installation
  • it includes Google services including Google Play, where Locus Map can be downloaded and installed
  • Locus Map can also be installed using an .APK file
  • it runs quite well even on an average computer
  • it supports the ADB plug-in for Total Commander, which makes it easy to get to the Locus working directory where you can copy maps and other files

Samsung DeX – a solution for some

If you have one of Samsung’s higher-end smartphone or tablet models (S or Z series), the manufacturer offers the DeX desktop interface. You connect your phone to a PC or smart TV via a USB cable or wifi and the communication is taken care of by the DeX client application. It also comes with a special DeX base that offers a wide variety of connectors, HDMI, USB, etc. for connecting to other peripherals.

Locus Map on DeX

The Samsung DeX interface can then be used to run Locus Map stretched across a large screen and it has to be said that it works very briskly. Everything is easily operated with the mouse and keyboard (you can even “swipe” from the PC screen to the mobile display with the mouse). Perhaps the only downside is that you are still using “only” Locus on your mobile, and not a separate application on the PC.


If you make do with planning routes for your trips on your PC, the web-based planner at will serve you well. The Android emulator solution will run the full app, but it requires the installation of ancillary software that will cut into your PC’s performance. DeX is again only for those who have a better Samsung in their pocket. So take your pick, it’s up to you. Anyway, Locus Map is primarily an outdoor app, so turn off your computer and head out :).


  1. brlx
    26. 2. 2016

    These days you should also consider Remix OS Although I'm not sure if you can emulate it, but maybe the point would be that you don't have to, it runs on your old pc natively. It has support normal keyboard and mouse usage and also for all of the android apps.

  2. daniel
    10. 3. 2016

    Or....just use Samsung "sidesync" ( pre installed sometimes) on samsung android devices if you have one. You can control the whole phone using your computer and mouse fullscreen on your pc desktop - Including drag and drop files etc and running any app at all. Setup is automatic. you can also keep your phone screen on your phone - and yet still use the mouse and keyboard on the phone screen itself as well

  3. myneur
    12. 3. 2016

    Great list! Those with Parallels desktop can run a x86 Android image

    The resolution can be set by changing a parameter to vga=ask and selecting the desired resolution or filling vga or UVESA_MODE paremeter if you know how. Not all the biggest resolutions work though.

  4. gynta
    19. 3. 2016

    "How to get PC files to a Genymotion virtual?
    The only but also the most user-friendly way is..."[/qoute]

    Hm. Also am einfachsten ist doch es in VirtualBox einen gemeinsamen Ordner zuzuweisen:
    VirtualBox starten -> VM auswählen -> Ändern -> Gemeinsame Ordner hinzufügen. Fertig.
    Diesen Ordner findet man dann auch im Genymotion-Androiden wieder.

  5. ng
    1. 4. 2016

    I tried to install Locus on a virtual Remix OS, and it works quite well... next is to check if we can use an external gps: i guess that'll be more troublesome as there probably won't be decent support for it in the os itself... will have to find out.

    • sander
      13. 1. 2023

      With samsung dex you can control locus map on a laptop.

  6. Bernde
    9. 4. 2021

    Hallo all together. I took the last version of lineage os (android x86) and installed it on a 128gb SD. I'm not really a pro but locus pro 3.5 and locus 4 gold seem to work. Good enough for route planning! 3.5 runs until now without any problems. Version 4 has a problem with the zoom. If I use the magnifier buttons the maps gets only unsharp. No details like smaller roads, huts in Norway or road signs appear like they normally do if you zoom in. A question to the developers. Is it possible to integrate real zoom buttons into the lower bar like 3.5 has? Thx for your great work.

  7. Gerhard Schweizer
    1. 7. 2021

    vielen Dank für die Beschreibung der drei Android Emulatoren. Ich habe mich für BlueStacks 5 entschieden. Obwohl diese Beschreibung schon einige Jahre alt ist hat alles zu meiner Zufriedenheit funktioniert. Jetzt habe ich ein Tablet auf dem PC/Laptop und Dank LocusMap4 Premium Gold werden die Daten automatisch mit dem Smartphone synchronisiert.

  8. Bossart
    17. 10. 2021


    ich würde gerne den aktuellen Standort vom Surface haben. Dies ist jedoch irgendwie nicht möglich. Kennt jemand eine Lösung?

  9. Hardy
    14. 12. 2021

    ich habe die letzten Jahre ein Tablet mit Locus Map Pro benutzt, um im Auto mit Offline-Karten zu navigieren. Das Tablet hat einen eigenen GPS-Empfänger, das hat hervorragend funktioniert.

    Jetzt habe ich mir ein Notebook gekauft, um im Grunde genau das Gleiche zu machen. Dazu habe ich mir MEMU installiert, Locus Map Pro draufgeladen, eine Karte installiert, das geht alles.
    Aber ich kann keine Verbindung zu meinem Navilock Bluetooth GPS-Empfänger herstellen.
    Die Treiber für den GPS-Empfänger sind unter Windows 10 alle installiert, der Empfänger wird unter Windows erkannt, aber nicht unter MEMU und Locus Map Pro.

    Was kann ich machen?
    Ist mit MEMU und Locus Map Pro navigieren überhaupt möglich?

    Ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen.


    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 12. 2021

      Hi, I'm afraid it is not possible - MEMu is an emulator, i.e. a virtual computer within your real computer. Whereas your real computer is connected to the BT GPS, the virtual one is not. It can't be - it is designed only for mockup location.

  10. Hardy
    15. 12. 2021

    Hallo Michal,

    vielen Dank für die Info.

    Das ist sch.......ade.

    Wenn das nicht klappt, wie ich mir das vorgestellt habe, gehen das Notebook und der Bluetooth-Empfänger wieder zurück und ich baue auf altbewährte Technik mit dem Tablett.

    Vielen Dank nochmal und viele Grüße

  11. Andrew Heard
    13. 1. 2023

    In Windows 11, "Windows Subsystem for Android" is the default Android emulator. I suggest a topic on getting that working for Locus would be a most helpful topic sometime. There is a help topic on that subject but after a few hours of Windows configuring I gave up trying to get it all working.

    • Michal, Locus team
      16. 1. 2023

      Sure but so far the Win subsystem is fully available only in the US. When it is used more widely without the need for a few hours of configuration we'll inform about it :) At the moment, none of us on the team has Win 11 so it'll take some time :)

      • Andrew Heard
        22. 1. 2023

        I just installed the Nox Android emulator - nox_setup_v7.0.5.1_full_intl.exe - the Windows 11 Program Compatibility Assistant displayed a msgbox on Nox startup saying "this app can't run because it causes security or performance issues on Windows". Strange - bog standard Windows 11 PC. It did change default D:\Program Files\Nox to C:\Program Files\Nox. I don't have a D:\Program Files\ folder so not sure why it thought that was a good location.

        • Andrew Heard
          23. 1. 2023

          easy installation? workaround/ hack: Windows settings > Privacy & security > Windows Security > Device security > Core isolation details > Memory integrity: off > restart
          also some issue with Hyper-V - had to disable & 3rd restart & something silently installed
          rather concerning that Windows Memory integrity has to be disabled - great for getting hacked
          can you provide further detail on installed LM? when I do an app search for "Locus Map" there are 100's of other apps suggested. I'd prefer to just install from APK anyway.

          • Andrew Heard
            23. 1. 2023

            OK - how to move Locus files (say ZIPed themes) from Windows PC to Nox INTERNAL_MEMORY/LOCUS/MAPSVECTOR/_THEME? When I drag a file from my PC to Nox it is always copied to the INTERNAL_MEMORY/PICTURES directory. From there I get an unknown error trying to move it to another directory. It doesn't appear related to the file size. Same issue with map files. I've had to point all Locus custom folders to INTERNAL_MEMORY/PICTURES as a temporary hack.

          • Michal, Locus team
            24. 1. 2023

            Hi Andrew,
            as for the installation, I can't confirm the problems because nobody from our team has Win 11 yet. On Win 10 it's just an ordinary procedure - tapping a download link at > tapping the downloaded installation file > installation > that's it. No messages, no warnings, no hacks.
            As for installing Locus from the emulated Google Play, it works the same as in an ordinary Android - I find Locus Map in the Google PLay, tap "install", the app is installed. You can install also an APK, there is a special button for it in the NOX toolbar.
            As for the file transfer - as with many other emulators (Genymotion, Memu...), it's convenient to use the ADB plugin of the file browser (e.g. Total commander). It allows copying any data anywhere in the "internal memory" of the emulated Android device.

  12. Thomas
    14. 1. 2023

    I am already using it for 2 years. It is really great. I did plan my long bike tours perfectly.

    Thank you Locus map team.

    Silver Abo

  13. Helmut Mahrt
    14. 1. 2023

    Ich kann Handy mit Samsung dex (sehr gute Erfahrungen mit Galaxy S8 und S21) empfehlen. Der volle Funktionsumfang von Locus Map mit beliebig großem Monitor sowie Tastatur und Maus - und man hat sämtliche Daten logischerweise auch gleich auf dem Handy - und hat keine Umgewöhnung in der Bedienung.
    Auch wenn ich gar keine Veranlassung für einen Wechsel verspüre, würden mich Erfahrungen mit Motorola Ready For interessieren.
    Danke für diese hervorragende App

    • Michal, Locus team
      17. 1. 2023

      Hi Helmut, we've added the DeX info to the article, thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Friedrich Trautwein
    15. 1. 2023

    Ich nutze Locus Map auf einem Android Tablet (Samsung Galaxy 7fe). Durch einen Multiportadapter von Samsung ist der Anschluss eines großen Monitors nebst Tastatur und Maus über unify-Empfänger und zeitgleich eines Stromanschlusses ein Kinderspiel . UND: ich kann Locus Map in vollem Leistungsumfang nutzen. Es macht einfach Spaß mit der App, vielen Dank an die Entwickler von Locus Map! Wir nutzen die App seit längerem für Rettungshundeeinsätze (BRH Mittlerer Neckar e.V.) auf Tablets, seit kurzem auch mit dem eingangs erwähnten Multiportadapter.

  15. Baldimir
    16. 1. 2023

    Debería de actualizar el mapa hay vías que no constan

    • Michal, Locus team
      16. 1. 2023

      Hi, which map do you use? We aren't mappers, we just develop the app and generate LoMaps from OSM data.

  16. Gerhard Schweizer
    16. 1. 2023

    Ich nutze BlueStacks 5 für die Android Emmulation am PC und seit der Version 5.3 kann man dort auch einen simmulierten Standort eingeben. Mir war das zu umständlich, deshalb verwende ich hierfür die App Fake GPS:
    Nach dem Starten von BlueStacks muss die App Fake GPS gestartet werden und dort einer der vorbereiteten Standorte aktiviert werden. Dieser ist dann für alle Anwendungen gültig. Die etwas aufwendige Einstellung in BlueStacks entfällt.

    • Gerhard Schweizer
      16. 1. 2023

      Ich hatte den falschen Link angegeben, ich verwende Fake GPS (ByteRef):

  17. Mark
    16. 1. 2023

    Locus on Linux Debian or Manjaro?

    • Michal, Locus team
      17. 1. 2023

      not planned at the moment

  18. Nik Klever
    17. 1. 2023

    To create a route all mouse-clicked points got a marker with an incremental number. I suggest to export these points as waypoints with there numbers as name additionally to the navigation commands. Potentially an additional checkbox for this export could be added.

  19. Andrew Heard
    25. 1. 2023

    Michal, Locus team - seems I can't reply direct to your last comment. From the Play store doing a search for Locus Map didn't show LM in the list. I had to go to my own list of installed apps to find LM. Seems each persons experience is different. I installed Total Commander into NOX, then dot-dot-dot menu > Configure > Add plugins. But there is no mention of ADB in the list of Android plugins. Any further tips? I am also finding LM crashes in NOX every now & then for no apparent reason.

    • Michal, Locus team
      26. 1. 2023

      Install Total Commander on your PC directly, not in the emulator. The stability of LM on the NOX is not as good as on an ordinary Android device but we can do nothing about it. You may try another emulator but the issue is the same or rather worse.

  20. Stefan
    14. 2. 2023

    Is it possible to activate ALLl routes within one library instead of clicking on each view-eye symbol?
    Background of the problem: if you are wrong clicking the eye-symbol right of the map menu, all previous activated routes are disabled again to "no view".

    I remember a workaround not about this but can not find it (this blog, other blogs, i don not know....)

    • Michal, Locus team
      15. 2. 2023

      Hi Stefan, this is not possible due to maintaining a sustainable run of the web browser. Too many tracks activated at once could cause the browser to crash.

  21. ikony do planovace
    15. 2. 2023

    Ahoj, chtel bych se zeptat zda je moznost do planovace na PC dostat sve vlastni ikony? Vyresilo by mi to velky problem. Dekuji za info

    • Michal, Locus team
      15. 2. 2023

      Bohužel, ikony do webového plánovače dostat nelze. Lze ale v plánovači vytvořené body uložit do již existující složky s vlastní ikonou a tyto body tuto ikonu "zdědí".

  22. Vincent
    15. 2. 2023

    Je débute sur Locus map 4 après bien des années sur la version classique; et tout n'est pas simple.
    pouvez vous me dire comment je fais pour retrouver sur mon mobile le tracé que j'ai effectué sur le WEB?

    Quand je synchronise, les tracés du mobile vont bien sur le WEB mais pas l'inverse.

    Dans l'attente


    • Michal, Locus team
      15. 2. 2023

      Hi Vincent, the routes you plan on the web and save to the library are synchronized to the folder you choose on the web. It takes a few seconds to minutes until the sync is done. If you still experience issues, please contact us at and send your Locus account address.

  23. Bartek
    2. 3. 2023

    Umm... cool, but... didn't you forget to include a link to download the APK to sideload? 😅 or am I blind...

    • Bartek
      2. 3. 2023

      Got it!

      I only hope that all that recently discovered love for Apple will make it possible to profit of silver/golden plans without Google services on all platforms 😁

  24. Artur
    7. 3. 2023

    I would like to have the option to plan a route on private roads. Will there be such an option?

    • Michal, Locus team
      8. 3. 2023

      It is possible in manual mode. Or, if the road is private for cars but free for walk, switch to the walking profile.

  25. Andreas Boch
    14. 3. 2023

    Keine Ahnung wie man sich am windows pc anmelden kann! Da gibt es keine Beschreibung für den Login, die führen immer ins nichts!!!

    • Michal, Locus team
      15. 3. 2023

      Do you mean Windows 11 or older versions? Locus Map on Win 11 Android subsystem is available only in some countries, on older Windows, you have to use an emulator - see information in the article.

  26. Jens
    20. 4. 2023

    How can i login and use locusmap web without google and facebook? is there a registration site?

    • Michal, Locus team
      21. 4. 2023

      Hi Jens, you can register with an email and password right in the app, see

      • Aare
        23. 4. 2023

        Hi Locus Team
        When i plan a route i miss an back button when i click wrong. Am i blind or is there no button to undo the last click/action when in planning mode?
        Greetings Aare

        • Michal, Locus team
          26. 4. 2023

          Hi Aare, the undo/redo button is in the app route planner. As for the web planner, we're still waiting for it.

  27. bluey
    6. 5. 2023

    Please add NZ topomaps to the web planner. The lomaps lack too much detail in New Zealand.

  28. Robbie
    1. 6. 2023

    Photo points in the Android app don't show up on the web app. How to make that work?

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 6. 2023

      Hi, point attachments are not synced with the web, so far. This part is still in development. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  29. Robbie
    4. 6. 2023

    ok, thanks. Thankful for the web view and glad that it is in continued development. Hopefully in the future be able to share a route on the web that includes photos and comments. etc. Thank you for your good work!

  30. Francesco Ottaviano
    5. 6. 2023

    Quando pianifico un percorso sulla mappa appaiono tutti i punti scelti si potrebbe avere invece dei punti le distanze kilometriche.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 6. 2023

      Hi, this is available in Locus Map app.

  31. Vincent
    14. 8. 2023

    Hi, please, make the "undo" button possible on the web site, please ! Thank you.

    • Michal, Locus team
      15. 8. 2023

      Hi, the "undo" button is still waiting in the queue.

  32. silvioscuto
    3. 11. 2023

    Buon giorno io sono abbonato a Premium Gold - . Io non riesco a salvare i miei tracciati. Il Planner del Pc mi chiede di acquistare Gold Premium. Io Lho già acquistato ma non riesco ad abilitare il software per la registrazione dei miei tracciati. Come possono fare?. Grazie

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 11. 2023

      Hi, use the same Locus account for login both in the app and in the web planner. Track recording is available in all plans, including the free one. To record a track, tap the track recording button on the main screen, left edge. More about it:

      • silvioscuto
        3. 11. 2023

        Scusate è da qualche giorno che trovo i miei tracciati progettati con il Planer (pianificatyore) e non riesco a salvare i tracciati delle mie escursioni di progetto. Locus map risponde: Passa a Premium Gold
        subscription promo
        Prima di fare questo, attiva la tua libreria web:
        Avvia Locus Map sul tuo smartphone
        Tocca "Go Premium" nel suo menu, registra il tuo account e acquista il piano "Gold"
        Apri il Gestore Tracciati e Percorsi di Locus e tocca cloud_sync_icon nella barra in alto.
        Mi date una mail per comunicare con voi? o altro modo per risolvere questo problema?

        • Michal, Locus team
          6. 11. 2023

          Hi, all nacessary information is here, if you need personal assistance, please contact us at

          • silvio
            9. 11. 2023

            Grazie tutto risolto.

  33. Andrew Heard
    6. 3. 2024

    Microsoft to drop Android in 2025 - So much for that idea.

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