Hiking season in France starts with IGN offline maps in Locus

Michal, Locus team

IGN aerial map

As you may have known, so far, maps of the well-known French publisher IGN or, more precisely, of their web version Géoportail have been a part of Locus online map portfolio for a few years. You can browse French countryside on topographic and aerial maps. IGN maps can be purchased from Locus Store:

IGN maps in Locus Store

Let’s go offline!

Since Locus Map 3.24.2 these maps are available also OFFLINE in two subscription programs – monthly and annual.

IGN is available in two subscriptions

Maps are displayed online and you can cache them (store in temporary memory) or download them for full offline use – you can define your own map crop of the available covered area and zooms.

IGN topographic map

IGN topo maps are detailed and accurate with clearly rendered structure. Maps contain complete tourist content including marked hiking and cycling trails and are available in several zooms down to 1:25.000.

IGN topographic map

Let’s go, the summer hiking season in France just begins!


  1. Thierry
    29. 6. 2017

    When you take in consideration the fact that most of these maps have not been updated in the past ten yeats or mlre, this is NOT a good deal.
    Way too expensive...

    • Locus team
      30. 6. 2017

      Hi, do you have any proof of your statement? We do not so we are happy to have IGN maps in our offline portfolio. And 1299 LoCoins/year? Its some €15... For a whole France in offline mode quite a bargain.

    • Alex
      4. 7. 2017

      I don't agree.
      IGN is probably the best map source in France.
      I also have other map sources in locus but always go back to IGN. So price is OK.
      Thanks locus for the really good work with the app.

    • Bourdier
      17. 9. 2017

      For the hiker and mountain bike, I certify that on the areas I frequent, many paths appearing on Ign cards have disappeared and new ones do not appear. Ign's maps date back at least 10 years ago. Google alone sticks to reality. In France at least

  2. Alex
    4. 7. 2017

    Thank you !
    I've been using locus for a long time and IGN maps was the only thing missing in France !
    Now I can tell my friends Locus is really the best hiking app in France :)
    Really good job :)

  3. josiar
    7. 7. 2017

    i am from Bangladesh, The Bangladeh Government wants to Locus map views system, if you Done this systems, please cotuct us,. we r also a software company in Bangladeh.

    • Locus team
      12. 7. 2017

      If you are interested in cooperation please contact us at help.locusmap.eu.

  4. Jo
    9. 7. 2017

    Great news, super nouvelle,i'm waiting this since i used locus ans IGN online .Thanks you so much.And keep going tout give us such à great app.I will Côme black to tell again how great it is to use locus.Merci

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