Have you tested chatting with your live tracking friends yet?

Michal, Locus team

In the beginning…

Live tracking, i.e. sharing your location in real time, has been a part of Locus Map for several years. At first, it was available only for real tech enthusiasts – via custom server settings. Later, Locus users could share their real time locations via GPSies.com live tracking service. Finally, we managed to establish our own live tracking server and launched Locus Map Live tracking, offering public viewing of Locus users both in application and on Locus Map website.

Share your location in private

Nevertheless, Live tracking needed another level of sharing your location – to a defined group of users. We developed and implemented My live location and Private live tracking. Whereas the first feature shares location of one single Locuser to an undefined number of viewers (not vice versa) on internet,

Private live tracking shares location of users in a closed group.

Each member of the group sees all other members live position on map on screen of their mobile phone. Feature very useful for any team activity outdoors – ski mountaineers, long distance bike travelers, expeditions, rescue squads, various orienteering events etc.

Recently we improved this private live tracking – members of the live tracking group can

chat among themselves and share various information

– points of interest, coordinates, URLs etc.

We would like you to test this feature for us!

When you start Live tracking with a private room, a chat icon appears on the map screen. Taping it opens the chat:


The chat can be opened also from Live tracking context menu:


Chat and share places!

You can send messages and locations of various places. Just select one with the location selector:


This way you can agree on a meeting point, direct your friends to a particular place, show a calculated mystery geocache, etc., you name it.

Since now, Locus Map has become a communication tool as well. Help us make it better and tell us about your thoughts in comments.

And what’s more…

Live chat isn’t the only improvement of Live tracking. Our devs are also fine tuning new “Live tracking selector” screen. Check this:



  1. Michal Zoubek
    25. 6. 2018

    Zdravím. Live tracking používám často. Ale nepřišel jsem na to, jestli můžu uživatele z místnosti vykázat, když jsem mu jí jednou poskytl....

    • Milan Cejnar
      26. 6. 2018

      Dobrý den,
      zatím to není možné, ale víme, že tato funkce celkem chybí. Obecně nějaká správa místností pro vlastníka by se opravdu hodila.
      Pokud byste někoho opravdu potřeboval odstranit, například z důvodu nevhodných příspěvků do live chatu nebo prostě z jiných osobních důvodů, tak stačí napsat z emailu, na který máte registrovanou svojí místnosti, na náš helpdesk a nějak bych to s Vámi určitě vyřešil :)
      S pozdravem
      Milan Cejnar

  2. Cateia
    25. 6. 2018

    Its getting better on each update. It would be bettet if i could delete old lines in chat. Another thing if I could record tracks of all memebers of the group. It would be very helpfull during searching someone or something.

    • Milan Cejnar
      26. 6. 2018

      a possibility to delete old messages or a recent message that you want to edit or write differently would indeed be nice, but it is not currently planned. We would like to focus on other functionalities like sending pictures or as you have said recording a tracking history for the users of the group.
      Best Regards
      Milan Cejnar

  3. Elektrocyklista Mišo
    27. 6. 2018

    Dobrý večer. Dá sa nejakým spôsobom sledovať užívateľ aj v appke - bez webu?


    • Locus team
      28. 6. 2018

      Dobrý den,
      samozřejmě, primární sdílení polohy v reálném čase je mezi aplikacemi. Webový výstup je jen varianta, aktivovaná pouze pro veřejný live tracking. Skupinový live tracking funguje pouze mezi aplikacemi.

  4. Petr MAKALOUS
    29. 6. 2018

    Zdravím, ano to by mohlo být velmi dobře použitelné. Podle mých zkušeností by se hodilo do budoucích verzí zahrnout i hlasový private chat.

  5. Markus
    3. 9. 2018

    Dobry den,

    it would be great to see not only the position of the partner but the recorded track.

    Best regards

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