Locus – a partner of worldwide sport trackers

Michal, Locus team

Most of modern active sporty people use at least some of many available sport tracking devices or services. Being that dedicated devices like Garmin, Suunto or Polar or their software equivalents Runkeeper, Endomondo, Strava or Velo Hero. All these gadgets and apps provide track recording including processing data from various external sensors, calculating statistics, data export to various formats or web services.

As you surely know, Locus Map, besides its robust map and navigation capabilities, offers many of above mentioned sports tracking features too – it records tracks and data from external sensors of heart rate, speed or pedaling cadence, it offers detailed statistics, it can also audio-coach your training. One thing that is so far missing is its own web interface where it is possible to store, present and share your sports activities with your friends. We don’t deny we would like to have such an interface and that we’ll once build it but before it happens we offer connection with already working and well established projects – your sports activities recorded in Locus can be quickly and comfortably exported to world wide servers Strava, Runkeeper, Velo Hero, Ride With GPS and others.

Which service is the best?

Thorough analysis of all sports websites would cost us much time and many pages of text so we’ll get by with only brief introduction of the most favourite ones. Each of us prefers something different – somebody likes detailed stats, somebody has many buddies on the server, someone else is a geek who needs a lot of gadgets… Locus Map cooperates with following (besides others):

Runkeeper evokes an idea that it can be used just for monitoring your running workouts but as well as other services it enables you to share all of your sports activities. If you track was somehow recorded with mistakes you can easily edit it in Runkeeper.

Detail trasy s jednoduchými statistikami a grafy
Track detail with simple stats and charts

Strava is a technically advanced service full of fancy gadgets. We have written about the possibility to display their global heatmap in Locus. Strava offers many options of monitoring your activity connections with other sportsmen, it isn’t limited by classic means of social networks communication. For instance, their “Fly-by” feature is very interesting – you can play animation of your activity in relation to activities of other sportsmen nearby:

Fly-by funkce v akci - animace znázorňuje postupy několika sportovců najednou na mapě i na grafu
Fly-by feature in action – the animation reveals en-route activities of several sportsmen at once on a map and a chart

Velo Hero is a choice for those who like simplicity without complex website environment:

Úvodní stránka VeloHero - v jednoduchosti je krása
VeloHero dashboard – beauty in simplicity

How to export from Locus?

Each of above mentioned services can be found in the selection of the track export format.

  1. open the track detail screen and tap the export icon in the bottom bar
  2. select Export
  3. tap the icon of default export format (GPX when using Locus for the first time)
  4. tap to select the service
  5. each service requires its own login – it’s necessary to sign up before this on their websites. Parameters of the export may also vary. For example Runkeeper enables to detect pauses in the activity, Strava differentiates between private and public activities etc.

What to do if I use service that is not supported by Locus?

A typical case is Endomondo. This widespread service, unfortunately, doesn’t provide API, i.e. it’s not possible to connect it to a third party app – Locus.

Endomondo je zavedený sportovní server, bohužel nenabízí propojení na jiné aplikace.
Endomondo is a featured sports server but it doesn’t provide connection to other applications.

That’s why it’s necessary to use services of – the website was created upon demand of many active people who have their friends scattered among many various sport-community servers and who don’t want to bother themselves by laborious exporting their activities manually on several sites individually. Just register, select your websites to connect and Tapiriik synchronizes all your activities among them.

Tapiriik dokáže synchronizovat celou řadu sportovních serverů a služeb
Tapiriik can synchronize whole range of sports servers and services

If you want to use quality maps, reliable navigation and sports activity recorder with the option of presenting them online, it’s not necessary to stuff your phone memory with dozen apps. You’ll get by with Locus Map.


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