Locus Map 4 is here. Enjoy its first release.

Michal, Locus team

As you probably know, and as Locus users you are used to, we develop our applications with great regard to your wishes and ideas for improvement. However, some of your ideas could not be realized without fundamental changes in our work. Because of this, we had to strengthen our team with several real experts, overturn the structure and division of competencies in the team, invest in infrastructure … And also change our business model (see below). However, all this took a little more time than we originally expected.

Implementing such an ambitious plan, while keeping the app running in a normal update mode, was quite a challenge. So thank you for your patience.

The first release

For example, like books are issued in their first edition, also our project Locus Map 4 we now publish in its first version. It is a fully functional product, both its application part and the web service. However, we still have tweaks in the drawer, which we must postpone until the “next editions”.

You have been bombarding us with questions for several months, “when will we finally launch it?” So we said a few weeks ago that we would do our best to make it by the end of March. Which we somehow managed. But in the coming weeks and months you can look forward to more portions of larger or smaller improvements that we are preparing for you.

And what do we have for you now? A brand new app , which offers three levels of use:

You will no longer need to install another application to upgrade the application, as was the case with Locus Map Pro . So there is no need to reconfigure the new app and deal with many other problems.

Locus Map 4 for free

This direct successor to the original Locus Map Free is available free of charge and can do everything you need for a normal leisure activity outdoors:

  • it can show your location on the map, show the direction of your movement
  • search places and addresses on the map
  • record tracks of your hikes and bike rides
  • navigate directly to your destination, along a planned or imported route
  • plan trips, rides and running workouts
  • plus a lot of other little things, including a recording widget that was originally only in the paid app

New interface

Compared to the previous generation, Locus Map 4 has a completely new ergonomic main screen interface. We arrived at it based on your numerous comments and our internal research and testing. It is dominated by a multifunctional map centering and rotation button:

The main menu button has moved next to it. It is now beautifully within easy reach and pushes the main menu from below. It can contain up to 15 function keys.

Above the main menu, there is a button of the new content bar, which is now much more complex, while retaining its original compactness. With it, you can easily switch the map base and its appearance, display points of interest, active items or a new coordinate grid:

Optionally, a track recording button has been added to the main screen. With it, you can start recording quickly and without annoying search in the menu:

The map zoom buttons have moved above the bottom panel and can be optionally hidden, as well as the record button and all sidebars.

The top bar with function buttons has moved to the bottom of the screen, leaving only the info bar. All controls are thus within easy reach of the thumb and there is no need to control the application with both hands.

For left-handers, we’ve also added the ability to side-swap the entire main screen, and to save battery, there’s the ability to switch the app to dark mode.

Online LoMap, LoPoints and LoRouter

Because we didn’t previously have a custom online map to display to users as soon as the app was turned on, we used freely available map services based on OSM data. These were not always according to our ideas, especially in terms of readability and graphic design.

But over the years, we’ve been editing and tweaking our offline LoMaps. We managed to modify them so that it was possible to deploy them on an online server. Now they are now available to everyone for free right after the first start of the application. This includes LoPoints, dynamic points of interest!

We also used online third-party services for navigation and route planning, whether it was GraphHopper or YOURS. To keep online routing under control and to edit and add more profiles, we’ve developed our own LoRouter service. In the first edition, LoRouter offers two pedestrian, three bicycle and two car profiles. We will further expand the number of profiles according to user demand.

You can plan the routes also on the web

That you could do also before on other planning sites, as Locus Map supports importing routes in various formats. However, with our own online maps and a router, you can now plan on our own web planner, which you can find on our new website In the first release, the planner allows you to:

  • calculate the route according to the selected activity
  • add LoPoints to the route in addition to your own points
  • view route elevation profile and basic statistics
  • share route via URL link
  • export the route as a GPX file
  • Premium Gold subscribers have the option of saving the route to the cloud and synchronizing it with Locus on their mobile phone

Premium Silver for those who take the outdoor seriously

Silver unlocks a number of features that you will appreciate as a regular active outdoor sportsman. With a one-year subscription, it’ll cost you € 10 , and you’ll pay € 1.4 for a monthly subscription.

Locus Map Pro owners receive a one-year FREE Premium Silver subscription!

No ads = bigger map

Not only that, the perpetual mis-clicking on the banner ad and the annoying closing of pages that you don’t need to see when riding a bike will disappear. Most importantly, you get up to 10% more of the map on the screen!

Package for sportsmen

  • Sensor connectivity – Locus Map can communicate with a variety of peripherals via Bluetooth and ANT+, such as external GPS units, heart rate, cadence or speed sensors, pedometers and thermometers
  • Audio coach – do you want to get regular reports on your speed, pace, time, and other performance parameters? The Audio coach will serve them directly to your headphones, so you don’t even have to take your mobile phone out of your pocket.
  • Dashboard – turn Locus into a hi-tech bike comp. Set up a transparent layer above the map with all the data you need – speed, elevation, time to destination, route graphs…

Advanced map and track tools

  • Terrain shading, elevation charts, their dynamic coloring according to elevation, slope, and other parameters. All from offline elevation data.
  • Calibration of an image with map – with this you can get any city orientation plan, wall map or a JPG with map downloaded from the internet into Locus…
  • Map overlays – you can overlay two different maps, such as e.g. aerial and tourist, to see more information. Various types can be combined, both online and offline.

Premium Gold squeezes maximum out of Locus Map

For those who want an application without compromise, there is Gold. It contains a complete range of in-app features, web services and offline LoMaps of the whole world, including updates. A full-year subscription costs € 24, monthly you pay € 3.

Locus Map Pro owners get an exclusive 50% discount for a year of using Premium Gold!

Silver included

Of course, Gold includes a large ad-free map screen, a sportsmen package fo features, and mapping and track tools that use offline elevation data. In addition, there are many more improvements, such as the ability to generate circular routes in the planner or to display surfaces and path types:

All offline LoMaps including updates for free

As a standard, you get 3 offline LoMaps for free. As part of the Gold subscription, all LoMaps including updates, which we prepare three to four times a year, are for free. So you always have an up-to-date map without having to connect to the internet.

Built-in offline LoRouter

Navigating and planning routes without an Internet connection hasn’t been easier with Locus. You no longer need to install additional cooperating applications. All you have to do is download the routing data package of the relevant area directly in Locus and set LoRouter as the default offline router.

In the first edition, LoRouter offers three pedestrian, four bicycle, one motorcycle and two car profiles. We’re still working on profiles, so more will be available soon.

Synchronize multiple devices

Do you use Locus Map on multiple devices? Would you like to share your routes and points with them? Want to conveniently back up your data? All this is solved by our new synchronization service.

At its heart is cloud storage, where Locus Map automatically sends your routes and points from your mobile or tablet. For example, just record a track on your mobile phone and the next time you connect to the wifi internet, the track will upload itself to the cloud. This data is then synchronized with your other devices using the same account.

Cloud storage is only an additional service – routes and points remain, of course, on your device, where they are always available to you. If you decide to use the cloud, your data is safe with us. We have fully complied with the development of the cloud with the strictest requirements for the processing of personal data.

Your personal web library of tracks and routes

The cloud storage and sync service is also linked to the aforementioned web planner, which includes a library of your routes and tracks. It stores your planned routes and the library syncs with the apps on your mobile and tablet.

You can view routes from your library on a large PC monitor, share their URL link with friends, or export them as GPX. You can also edit their name and description, in the future we plan to add other options, such as editing the route line and the like.

Share your real time location with your friends and family

Premium Gold also includes Live Tracking Premium service, which allows you to create your own groups for real-time private location sharing. Your friends can view your location either in Locus Map or on the Live Tracking website.

Premium Gold also unblocks the My LIVE location timeout, which allows you to share your real location unilaterally (not to each other, as with live tracking).

Detailed comparison

Of course, above we’ve listed just a quick list of what each version of Locus Map brings to you. If you’d like to study their specific differences, we’ve put together a detailed list .

And what about Locus Map Pro?

For Locus Map Pro, nothing changes. This most popular application in our portfolio (4.8* Google Play rating in March 2021) continues in line 3, currently in version 3.51.1. It has recently received a large package of modifications and fixes and serves to the full satisfaction of its users. We are preparing another update for it in about a month.

If you own Locus Map Pro and are interested in switching to one of the subscribed Locus Map 4 levels, we have an exclusive offer for you:

  • the first year of Premium Silver subscription for FREE
  • 50% OFF for the first year of Premium Gold subscription

Sign in with the same account to both Locus Map Pro and Locus Map 4 to verify your discount eligibility.

In the future, we plan to rename the app to Locus Classic, while retaining all of its existing features and functions.

What awaits us in the future?

As we mentioned in the introduction, we are now presenting the first edition of the new generation of the Locus Map project. We have a lot of plans for future releases. Of the short-term ones, we can reveal the following:

  • additional web planner features – route graphs with road surfaces, the ability to edit route lines, the ability to add and edit custom points, caches, etc., live tracking integration, route import, and more
  • we will continue to improve the application’s user interface – a brand new map manager is planned, redesigning the route detail screens…
  • based on your feedback, we also plan to introduce one-time payments for the Silver and Gold levels, which will be available in the Locus Store or directly on website.
  • we want to resume work on wearables add-ons, or develop a stand-alone smartwatch app
  • in connection with the integration of live tracking into the web planner, we want to further improve the service to make it even more usable, for example, for search teams and rescue services
  • etc.

Install Locus Map 4 and there will always be something you can look forward to!


  1. Michael
    30. 3. 2021

    Congratulations to Menion and the team!

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      Thank you Michael!

  2. Jakub
    30. 3. 2021

    Thank you for this great app! If i would like to go from Pro to Silver for 1 year for free (to test it) will be the way back to Pro version again? BR

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      Hi Jakub,
      yes of course, Locus Map Pro is a different app, not connected to Locus Map 4.

      • Janusz
        12. 4. 2021

        Locus3.5 i 4 mają te same ścieżki do katalogów czy gdy usunę Locus 3.5 pro to katalogi z danymi też usunę czy zostaną z Locus 4

        • Michal, Locus team
          14. 4. 2021

          No, data will stay intact. When you uninstall LM Pro, nothing changes in LM 4.

  3. Martin Richter
    30. 3. 2021

    Gratulation, und weiter so.

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      Danke schön!

      • Gav
        26. 5. 2021

        Subscription? Nope, never, ever.

  4. Daniel
    30. 3. 2021

    Hey, huge fan here, long time user as well. I would like to use lomaps (especially with the graphics style you have for the maps) on garmin fenix or edge. I know you have an app for fenix watch but it has slow refresh rate (i think its the limit of garmin api or something). Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you could consider making those Lomaps available for download for garmin devices. Make them paid or subscription somehow. I would be glad to pay. That map style is actually most valuable thing for me, its so clear. Please let me know.

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      Hi Daniel,
      for the time being, this solution is not planned in the near future but we'll definitely think about it.

  5. Daniel Grym
    30. 3. 2021

    Exkluzivní nabídka zřejmě není pro mne. I když mám Locus Map Pro a přihlásím se i v Locusu 4, nabídku na Silver předplatné nedostanu. Zatím jsem nenašel výhody nové verze, program s reklamou. Navíc je nová verze permanentně zpoplatněna. Tenhle obchodní model není pro mne...

    • Michal, Locus team
      31. 3. 2021

      Dobrý den, prosím kontaktujte náš support tým na adrese a sdělte e-mail, který jste používal v Locus Pro pro přihlášení do Locus Obchodu. Podíváme se na to.

      • Murgaš Jaroslav
        18. 5. 2021

        Čo si napísal asi zaujíma len Teba! Zrejme čo je zadarmo je pre teba. Nepodporíš predsa dobrú vec - vývoj aplikácie. Mne už veľakrát Locus pomohol! A nemyslím si že by cenovo boli uletený! Aspoň zatiaľ.

  6. Andrew Heard
    31. 3. 2021

    LM3 was already 5-stars. Now you guys & gals take LM4 to the next level. Google will have to add a 6-star category. Well done Locus team.

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Thank you Andrew! Your kind words are much appreciated, also a great motivation for us to go on.

  7. Pcmann
    31. 3. 2021

    Thank you and stick with it.

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Thanks a lot!

  8. Wantzenrieder
    31. 3. 2021

    Als I-Bike Flyer Fahrer benutze ich das Komoot-System, das es kompatibel ist mit meinem Display mit einer Weltkarte inbegriffen.
    Was bietet Ihr Locus ein mehr an Vorteile gegenüber Komoot

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Hi, Komoot is a great app. Locus Map is perhaps more versatile - it offers a great selection of maps of various providers, it has great tools for geocaching, you can share your location with friends in real time etc.

    • Druki
      1. 4. 2021

      Hallöchen, zur Beantwortung der Frage müsste man wissen wie und wofür Komoot genutzt wird. Locus bietet weitaus umfangreichere und flexiblere Möglichkeiten beim Erstellen von Routen, Darstellungsoptionen von Karten und Punkteverwaltung, bietet aber nicht so umfangreiche integrierte User-Routen. Wer allerdings Routen von anderen Apps/Portalen als Datei hat (z.B. Komoot GPX Download), kann diese in Locus importieren.

    • Siegfried
      4. 4. 2021

      Komoot ist eine einfache Navigation mit wenig Funktionsumfang. LocusMaps daggen ist ein Handwerkszeug.

    • Christian
      7. 4. 2021

      Bin zwar nur zu Fuß unterwegs, nutze jedoch beides. Komoot wegen der Community Funktionen, also z. B. um Routen und interessante Orte zu finden, als auch um meine Tracks mit Freunden zu teilen.
      Komoot nutze ich zur Navigation. Deutlich umfangreicher, kann auch offline routen usw.

      • Christian
        7. 4. 2021

        Ich meinte natürlich Locus zur Navigation

  9. Louis
    31. 3. 2021

    Congratulations, an impressiv development of an already very good and easy to use app.

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Thank you very much Louis!

  10. André
    31. 3. 2021

    Great news! If one-time payments are supported, will it also be possible to use Locus Map 4 without Google Play Services?

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Yes, we have this option on our road plan.

  11. DrakMrak
    31. 3. 2021

    Nainstalováno, zatím se zdá, že korekt :)
    Vypadá to dobře... chvilku než si zvyknu na ovládání ale asi to půjde :D je to jen o zvyk... a zatím je to příjemné.
    Pluginy rozchozeny

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      My jsme si zvykli velmi rychle :)

  12. Jiri ČENOVSKÝ
    31. 3. 2021

    Dobrý den,
    mám nainslalován jak Locus tak i Locus Pro, ovšem na v.4 se mi provedl upgrade je i Locus

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Locus Map 4 je přímý nástupce Locus Map Free. Locus Map Pro je oddělená aplikace. Obě aplikace sdílejí stejná data, ale mohou být nainstalovány současně.

  13. B. Duda
    1. 4. 2021

    Tenhle hloupý trend na odradit zákazníky a co nejvíce je otrávit s přechodem na měsíční platby nechápu.
    No nic, mam verzi pro a ted se jí snažíte znásilnit. Nikdy nebudu přistupovat na predplatne

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, není to trend, je to bohužel nutnost. Uživatelé chtějí webové služby - plánovač, úložiště, synchronizaci. K tomu kontinuální vývoj aplikace, neustálé přizpůsobování novým verzím operačního systému atd atd. Stále další a další platby za služby třetím stranám, licenční poplatky, v týmu máme dvojnásobek programátorů než před dvěma lety. Tohle vše se nedá utáhnout z jednoho nákupu aplikace. Locus Map Pro jede dál tak, jak jste na něj zvyklý. Jen nebude obsahovat již zmíněné webové služby a hlavní větev vývoje půjde jinudy.

  14. Georg
    1. 4. 2021

    Nice to hear you finally got v4 *and* with combined sustainable business model off the door :-) I am willing to pay 10€/year to support development - any slightly more complex software needs maintenance & bugfixing, but for Locus, some bugs exist already for a long time, indicating dev resources were/are too low to fix them. Hope this gets better now with many subscribers :-)

    At the same time, personally, I do not really know what to do because you decided for "3 feature packages" and do not allow users to pick what they need. Without 2 features of "gold" (offline routing and weather forcast), I do not see a benefit to move from v3/Pro to v4 at all. But paying 24€/year to get a big bunch of "silver" and "gold" features I do not need/use? Also not really motivating.
    I would strongly favor an additional "cherrypicker" or "supporter" package where I pay 10€/year and can choose any e.g. 5 feature blocks like "offline usage", "LoMaps", "planning", "geocaching", "cloud", etc.

    Maybe you'd like to add v3/pro/classic to the comparision so current users directly see - i.e. no need to reflect - the added/improved features and thus are motivated to buy v4.

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Thank you Georg for your analytic feedback. We'll think about it and see what options we have from Google Play.

  15. maaaca
    1. 4. 2021

    A nějaký rozvoj geocachingové části bude? Třeba odeslání vyluštěných souřadnic na

    • Michal, Locus team
      1. 4. 2021

      Ano, hned jak doděláme vše, co máme rozděláno :)

      • maaaca
        2. 4. 2021

        Tak jsem si zkušebně nainstaloval, ale ještě asi chvíli zůstanu u Pro verze.
        Líbí se mi nový přístup k detailům keše, nechápu akorát označení velikostí XS, S, M... Sorry, ale tady jsem asi tradicionalista a na tohle si holt nezvyknu. Dál bych ještě uvítal rychlejší přístup k hintu.
        Nepodařilo se mi přenastavit prostředí aplikace do světlého tématu (v telefonu defaultně tmavý). Ať jsem v nastavení zvolil cokoliv, bylo stále tmavo.
        Trochu nepříjemné je problikávání ikonek při posunu mapou (světlé ikonky občas tmavě problikly).

        • Michal, Locus team
          3. 4. 2021

          Prostředí aplikace se přenastavuje v nastavení > ovládání > displej > dark theme (chybí překlad - dodáme). Problikávání - jaké ikonky máte na mysli?

          • maaaca
            3. 4. 2021

            Právě toto přepínání prostředí mi nefunguje, ať zvolím jakoukoliv variantu, stále mám tmavý režim (telefon mám defaultně v tmavém, ale Locus nechci).
            Ikonky na mapě mi přeblikávají z bílého na tmavý režim (používám GC Summary icons)

          • Michal, Locus team
            6. 4. 2021

            V tom případě bych vás s dovolením odkázal na helpdesk, kde se na to mrknou vývojáři.

  16. Bernhard
    1. 4. 2021

    Congratulations on the new Locus Map 4.0 Version! The new features are great and everything is working flawlessly.

    Thank you for the immense number of features and configuration options. Locus really is the definition of a "Power User App".

    Of course I immediately added my gold subscription and I'm looking forward to the future development!

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Thank you Bernhard! We'll do our best so that all power users stay satisfied :)

  17. Wolfgang Weidner
    1. 4. 2021

    Gratuliere zur neuen Version, einfach klasse sehr einfach zu bedienen, Respekt!!
    Ein Probleme habe ich bei mir festgestellt. Neue Offlinekarten (LoMaps) werden nicht in dem Reiter der Offlinekarten angezeigt, es werden nur die alten, in der Vorgängerversion gekauften Karten angezeigt.
    Mach ich da etwas falsch?
    Auch werden die von mir neu runtergeladen Karten nicht als solche markiert.
    Ganz liebe Grüße vom Niederrhein

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Wolfgang, please go to Locus settings > Miscelaneous > Default directories > MapsVector and check the path where LoMaps are stored. If there is any problem, please contact the helpdesk at

  18. Druki
    1. 4. 2021

    Vielen Dank für die vorbildliche Lösung der neuen/alten Locusversionen (Classic, Basic, Silber, Gold). Ich bin langjähriger Locus Pro User und begeistert von der 4er-Version! Natürlich habe ich die Gold-Version aboniert, weil die Mehrwerte sich rentieren und um das heldenhafte Locus Team zu unterstützen! Großes Lob: Ich habe noch nie einen so smoothen Übergang bei einem Refactoring einer Software/App erlebt. Weiter so, ihr seid SUPER!

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Druki, thank you so much for your kind words. We approached the transtition with utmost carefulness albeit we were worried how it would be accepted. Two years ago, when we published our intentions for the first time, a lot of our users got upset by it. Since then therefore, we put a great effort into designing the best possible solution for our users and us too. Hopefully, we succeeded.

  19. Bernhard
    1. 4. 2021

    Hi Locus team,
    locus map is great, v3 pro and v4. In addition, the web page is a valuable addon. Supscription is not really attractive, one time payment like pro version would be a good offer. I fully agree with George's previous comment.
    Keep up the good work.

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Bernhard, thank you for your uderstanding.

  20. 4fingerfu
    2. 4. 2021

    Sehr gut, das man jetzt auch am PC die Routen planen kann.... :-) Hoffentlich kommt bald auch noch eine IMPORT Funktion für bereits vorhandene GPX dazu, das wäre auch noch sehr hilfereich... :-)

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi, of course, the web planner is now only in the beginning. We've got many features planned for it, including GPX import.

      • Ilya
        7. 4. 2021

        We are waiting very much for GPX-import. Without it I don't want to buy Gold premium.

    • Thomas
      5. 4. 2021

      Workaround für die Gold Edition: Kopiere die GPX aufs Handy und Importiere die GPX in Locus Maps. Danach synchronisiere Locus Maps auf dem Handy mit dem Webseite. Dann taucht sie auch im Web auf. Funktioniert nur mit Gold Abo.

    • Evgeni Nikolov
      7. 4. 2021

      I agree - this is very useful. For instance I get many tracks from Komoot/Outdooractive/Alpenverein active, since I love LocusMaps for navigation.

  21. jason
    2. 4. 2021

    please offer a one-time payment for the silver and gold version!

    and: the new version (for example silver) is an app independent of locus pro (3.5)? I.e. I can try and test with two different locus apps independently of each other?

    thanks for your support!

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Jason, introduction of one-time payments is planned to the end of the year, although due to Google billing conditions they will not be as cost-effective as subscription models for the users.
      Yes, Locus Map Pro is independent app, so you can have it installed together with Locus Map 4 on your phone. Depending on your setup, they will even share your library, so you can seamlessly switch between them anytime you want.

      • Jason
        3. 4. 2021

        but I have to install all my settings again (eg themes, cursors, srtm data, line colors, dashboards and so on)?

        how much will this one-time payment cost approximately? Some say it will be around 100 Euros...!

        • Michal, Locus team
          3. 4. 2021

          Hi Jason,
          the best solution is to use the backup manager > backup settings in your Pro, then the backup manager in LM 4 > restore. SRTM data (and maps, points, tracks, routes) are shared between the two apps.

          The prices of the one-time payments haven't been set yet but it definitely won't be that much.

  22. Namor
    2. 4. 2021

    Dobry den,
    novy Locus vypada fajn a rozumim i tomu, ze pokud se ma udrzovat aplikace stale aktualni, vcetne pridruzenych sluzeb, pak to neco stoji.
    Uvidim, budu ted paralelne pouzivat PRO i GOLD verze. Prosim jen o informaci, kde v LM4 GOLD naleznu spravce ANT+ jako je mozne ve verzi LM PRO.
    Dekuji, drzim palce a mnoho spokojenych uzivatelu.

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Díky! Správce ANT+ najdete v MENU>Všechny funkce>nastavení>ANT manager.

  23. Frank
    2. 4. 2021

    Congratulations for the new locus and many success with it. There is now no doubt for me that I will switch and I'm looking forward for it.
    One question concerning your plans: will the be a similar function of webservice interface to a routing portal as it was to Gpsies? I still miss this way of planning tours since they switch to another provider and the interface from locus was cut.
    Best regards

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Frank,
      we've launched the web route planner together with Locus Map 4, see For now, it serves as a planner and browser of your personal track library (when you are Premium Gold subscriber) but there are also plans for a public route library like used to be.

  24. Peter
    2. 4. 2021

    Zdravím. Mám Locus pro. Uvažujem na skúšku nový Locus 4 gold na jeden rok. Bude sa možné po tomto obdobý vrátiť späť k Locusu Pro? Alebo bude potrebné znova zaplatiť jednorazovú platbu za Pro verziu.
    Dík za odpoveď.

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Nejen že se můžete k Locus Map Pro (do budoucna Locus Classic) kdykoliv vrátit, dokonce jej můžete používat ve vašem telefonu zároveň bez ohledu na to zda Locus Map 4 budete mít v režimu Free, Silver nebo Gold.

  25. Ricardo Rodríguez
    2. 4. 2021

    Proud to be a Gold LM user! Congratulations! Please, keep improving!

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Thanks! We will, you can be sure about that! :)

  26. Jan
    2. 4. 2021

    I have Locus Map Pro with Dropbox for synchronization. I create my routes using a web browser with various maps (hiking, cycling), export them to Dropbox and off I go.
    What am I getting with Locus Map 4 Silver? Ads?

    • Jan, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi, with LM4 Silver you are basically getting next gen Locus Map Pro with some already substantial improvements - see related FAQ on our PREMIUM page.
      Locus Map Pro will be still around though, so you can decide what suits your needs best!

  27. Peter
    2. 4. 2021

    In my country after logging in with Locus Pro associated account L4 offers me Gold Annually Exclusive for ~12 € / year, with renewal at ~24 € per month afterwards. Is that some glitch in pricing or wording, or is it a correct monthy price?

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Peter, thanks for your report, that is for sure mistake! The price is 24€/year. I assume you are from Slovakia, the issue in wording will be fixed in next update.

  28. Matt
    2. 4. 2021

    Können beide Versionen also LocusMap Pro und die neue Version 4 parallel auf einem Gerät laufen ohne sich gegenseitig zu beeinflussen?

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Matt, yes, they can run in parallel without problem. They will both share your library (if you didn't put it in private folder), so you can switch between then seamlessly anytime you want.

      • Matt
        3. 4. 2021

        Hi Jan,
        Gerade einmal installiert um einen Blick drauf zu werfen...
        Keine Werbeeinschaltungen = Mehr Fläche für die Karte ?
        das gilt dann wohl nur für Silber und Gold und sollte eigentlich nicht extra erwähnenswert sein weil selbstverständlich für eine premium APP.
        der massive Werbebanner stört mich schon sehr, es wäre prima wenn man eine kurze Frist zum testen hätte ohne von adds genervt und abgelenkt zu werden. Ich denke ich werde zunächst bei meiner Pro Version bleiben...

        • Michal, Locus team
          3. 4. 2021

          Hi Matt,
          of course, the free version of LM4 contains ads just like the original Locus Map Free used to. To get an ad-free app is one of the greatest motivations to subscribe to Premium, that's common not only for Locus but for all paid apps in general.
          No need to worry about that though if you are a Pro user.

  29. ZZ
    2. 4. 2021

    Ahoj. Nádhera. Dík. A taky dotaz - jdou v plánovači zadávat souřadnice? Pokud ano nenašel jsem správný formát. Dík zz

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Zdravíme, pokud máte na mysli plánovač v aplikaci, samozřejmě to jde (menu plánovače > přidat bod > souřadnice). Ve webovém plánovači tato možnost zatím není, do trasy lze přidávat pouze výběrem přímo na mapě nebo klepnutím na bod zájmu.

      • ZZ
        3. 4. 2021

        Myslel jsem WEB plánovač. Tak to rychle přidělejte ať se už nikdy nemusím vracet k BaseCamp. A ještě jeden dotaz - nelze sdílet přes cloud mimo tras i uložené body? To by bylo super. A ver.4 se Vám povedla fakt. ZZ

        • Michal, Locus team
          6. 4. 2021

          Zobrazování, správa a sdílení bodů na cloudu je rovněž v pořadí, prosím vydržte :)

  30. rombaran
    2. 4. 2021

    hm, rozumiem potrebe platit vyvojarom, hlavne ak teeba prevadzkovat aj cloudove sluzby k tomu. cena 10 eur rocne je v pohode. ja teda pouzivam len record cesty a uploadnem to na stravu. a samozrejme obcas mapu, ked som v neznamej oblasti. na druhej strane sa to zacina predrazovat, akchce clovek pouzivat aj stravu a aj tak na nej vyuzije len zlomok moznosti. je tu nejaka ambicia casom nahradit v nejakej casti stravu? v podstate ma na strave nezaujimaju porovnania s inymi, mna zaujima sledovanie mna sameho, zlepsovanie sa. teda bude mozne tvorit v tom vasom cloudovom prostredi segmenty a merat si historiu prejdenia tychto segmentov?

    • Jan, Locus Team
      3. 4. 2021

      Každý používá Stravu trochu jinak a v dohledné době nemáme ambice ji plně nahradit - částečně pro někoho ale třeba časem ano. Aniž bych mohl být nyní více konkrétní, oblast měření aktivit určitě chceme dále zlepšovat. Podpora segmentů prozatím závisí na poptávce po takové funkcionalitě od uživatelů, neváhejte tedy využít náš helpdesk portál a třeba se zde ozvou další, co by segmenty uvítali.

  31. Simon
    2. 4. 2021

    Have you thought of offering some kind of family membership?

    I’m a longtime user and fan of Locus Pro, and I understand, that a one-time-payment might not be a sufficient price model for long time development, but the price increase for multiple users is quite high. The 10 € one-time App could be used with multiple family members through the Google Play family library. The new price model means at least 10 € per user per year, and it seems some offline features of Pro are only included in Gold (though most part of Gold seem to be new cloud based features, which justifies a price increase). It would be great, if there was some kind of family plan that is cheaper than multiple subscriptions.

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi Simon,
      for now, it is too soon for us to announce any pricing changes. I perfectly understand your point but we need at least a few months of this new business model running before we can make an assessment and evaluate its profitability. Then we can start making decisions about any possible changes.

  32. Ser
    2. 4. 2021

    I would be happy to get the Gold subscription it you would implement the 3D view of the terrain based on the DEM / elevation files (beside the already available the shaded mode overlay).
    Just imagine how great it would be to be able to view the topography of the 3D terrain from a 45 degree angle and rotate the map as in Google Earth or Garmin BaseCamp. Both are based on the same DEM elevation source.
    Satellite images maps are no good with the current "shadded reliever overlay" but with an actual 3D viewing mode it would be ideal for better and intuitively judging the shape of the relief.

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Hi, this option is still on the table but it can't be implemented easily. It requires a different way of rendering, the whole app core would have to be rebuilt. Regarding the weak demand for it, it is not on our immediate road plan.

  33. Milancer
    3. 4. 2021

    Nový Locus vypadá moc pěkně, pohodlnější ovládání, trochu nezvyk v dialogových oknech. Ale při včerejším výletě dost zklamal, spotřeba baterie je o 50% vyšší! Běžně mi Locus bral asi 12% za hodinu. Včera skončil po 3 hodinách. Při srovnávacím testu za stejných podmínek se stejným zařízením je opravdu velký rozdíl, PRO 12%, 4 silver 24% za hodinu. Používám Locus pro mapování OSM a GC ale tohle je zásadní nevýhoda nové verze.

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, děkujeme za informaci, prověříme to. Nicméně zatím jste první, kdo nám reportuje vyšší spotřebu a při testování jsme nic takového nedetekovali.

      • Milancer
        4. 4. 2021

        Problém s vysokou spotřebou částečně vyřešen přepnutím volby rozlišení v nastavení systému. Při nastavení "automatická volby rozlišení", LM4 nastavil FHD, PRO jen HD.
        Po ručním nastavení "HD" se spotřeba snížila na 16% za hodinu.

        • Michal, Locus team
          6. 4. 2021

          Děkujeme za pozorování, budeme se tím zabývat.

  34. Tonda
    3. 4. 2021

    Implementujete podporu Garmin Varia Radar a jdu do předplatného

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den,
      valnou většinu změn v aplikaci provádíme na základě poptávky uživatelů. Pokud tato funkcionalita nalezne širší uživatelskou podporu, budeme o ní uvažovat.

  35. Petr Štohanzl
    3. 4. 2021

    Dobrý den
    Rád bych si na webu kromě plánování zobrazoval i mé uložené body (z cloudu) a podle nich plánoval trasu. Tuto možnost jsem nenašel. Je toto v plánu/existuje to ?

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, ano, body v plánovači budou, makáme na tom :)

  36. Tom
    3. 4. 2021

    Congrats, Locus team! This is awesome!

    As a long term Pro user I'd like to test the SILVER subscription. For activation I need to login. Which account should I use to get free subscription? The Google account or my Locus shop account?
    Normally I hate subscriptions but to support the development of Locus and the effort the team invests in the boards to help users, pay for the subscription is more than okay!

    • Thomas Freier
      5. 4. 2021

      For me google account worked.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Tom, use Locus Store log in. You'll get one year of the Silver for free.

  37. Radovan
    3. 4. 2021

    ahojte ...

    v Locus map Pro mam zakupenych celkom dost LOCoinov ... ako to s nimi bude pri prechode na locus 4.0 ?

    dik za info ...

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, pokud se přihlásíte do Locus obchodu v LM 4 se stejným účtem jako v LM Pro, budou LoCoiny stále na svém místě.

  38. D-Buddi
    3. 4. 2021

    Also Cloud-Sync geht bei mir schon mal nicht, bleibt bei 1% stehen...

    • rada nad zlato
      4. 4. 2021

      Mám stejný problém. 98 tisíc bodů k synchronizaci. Smazal jsem většinu a hele, hned hotovo.

    • Siegfried
      4. 4. 2021

      Bei mir funktioniert Cloud-Sync leider auch nicht.

      • Michal, Locus team
        6. 4. 2021

        Hi guys, please report any errors at so that the information goes straight to the developers. Thanks!

  39. Ruda
    4. 4. 2021

    Osobne jsem velmi zklamany. Cekal jsem novou aplikaci, ne novy obchodni model. Vyhovoval mi LM pro a priplatkove si platit za online sluzby. Platit rocne vypalne za zakladni funkce je zlo. Promin Menione.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, LM Pro stále nabízíme, podporujeme a aktualizujeme v původním obchodním modelu. LM4 se základními funkcemi je zdarma, předplatné se týká pokročilých funkcí a webových služeb, které nás stojí nemalé náklady.

  40. Bogusław C
    4. 4. 2021

    Gratulacje. Z niecierpliwością czekałem na LM4 szczególnie na stronę internetową do planowania wędrówek i biblioteki swoich tras. Pytanie, za przejście na Gold płaci się przez GooglePlay czy trzeba zakupić Locoint w Lostore ? i jeśli decyduję się na subskrypcję roczną Gold to czy mogę zapłacić z góry 24€ ? czy na platformie internetowej będzie można tworzyć grupą znajomych którym udostępnimy wgląd w nasze trasy wędrówek? Pozdrawiam i ruszamy na szlaki z LM4.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Bogusław, subscription purchasing is processed via Google Play. If you are a Pro user, you'll get the Gold with 50% discount for one year. Community or social features on the website are planned but not in the near future.

  41. Jon Reed
    4. 4. 2021

    I'm glad to see that I no longer have to use my password to get back into my phone home screen when using Locus as it was adminiatrator locked or something... For me that's worth the silver subscription alone!

    Love the menu at the bottom, I will subscribe as I have Pro already and use Locus all the time, but I do think the €24 euros a year is too much. There's quite a few apps that do this subscription model now and mentally I seem to not be prepared to go past €1 a month. I know, I'm mean, but I suspect there's lots of people who think this way. €24 sounds a lot where as €1 a month doesn't....

    I know you are running a business and need to make a profit and I apologise for my meanness!!

    On the other hand I'd be happy to pay a larger one off fee and buy my maps as needed rather than the €2 a month.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Jon, as a Pro user you get the Gold for 12€ (1€ monthly) for the first year. Then you can go on if you like it or, downgrade to Silver that costs also 12€.

  42. Roland Eisner
    4. 4. 2021

    Hi Menion and team, i used Locus Map Pro for years now and just installed Locus Map 4 and became Gold member. Now how do i migrate all my tracks and waypoints recorded and created with Locus Map Pro to Locus Map 4? The default directories configured in Locus Map Pro are on the external sd-card. Is there a way to upload this stuff from Locus Map Pro to the Locus cloud and share it there with Locus Map 4?

    • Thomas Freier
      5. 4. 2021

      You can do it with export to Dropbox and download and import in the new app.
      If you have some experience you can connect your phone via USB to PC and open the files in browser. If you had stored all data on SD card:
      Old App:
      copy this 2 files tracks.db, waypoints.db
      It will overwrite tracks and points you have added to the new app!
      This worked well for me. All points and tracks are now in the new app.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Roland,
      just set the LM 4 the same way as your LM Pro, especially the paths to your data. Both apps can share the same directories.

  43. Thomas Freier
    5. 4. 2021

    Thank you for a great new app. Sync with web is the next logical Step. I am impressed how much functionality the new app already has. Keep going I will contribute with a gold ago. Thomas

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Thank you Thomas!

  44. Florian
    5. 4. 2021

    THX. for your work but I don't like subscription. Im happy with 3 Release, so there is no need for me to upgrade. I would support you with one time fee but not with subscription, plz don't go this way....

    Subscription is for me a no go.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Florian, thank you for purchasing LM Pro. We'll maintain it and update it for you so that it runs on the new Androids.

  45. Ronald Holzwarth
    5. 4. 2021

    Locus Map 4 finde ich sehr gelungen, die Plazierung der Buttons ans untere Ende ist so gut, das man mit den Grundeinstellungen prima zurecht kommt.
    Ich habe meine Locus Map Pro- Version auf meinem Phone bereits auf die Gold- Version abgedatet; auf meinem Tablet habe nur auf die free- Version umgestellt,
    da Google für die Gold- Version (die ich ja bereits abboniert habe) nochmals abbuchen wollte; d.h. die Installationsroutine ist noch verbesserungswürdig in Bezug auf Mehrgeräteinstallation eines Nutzers.
    Die Übertragung von Routen, die am PC mit Garmin BaseCamp oder der WEB- Version des BRouter auf mein Phone funktioniert wie bisher (Pro), die Routingfunktionen von Locus Map 4 muß ich noch ausprobieren.
    Auch meine gekauften LoMap- Punkte werde ich jetzt nicht mehr für LoMap- Karten sondern für z.B. Reiseführer verwenden.
    Ich bin gespannt auf die noch kommenden Features, insbesondere auf die Kombination von PC und Phone in Bezug auf Planung und Datenspeicherung (Archivierung)

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Ronald,
      Premium Gold that you subscribed to is valid for all devices with the same Google account (the same way it is with the license for Locus Map Pro). So, install LM 4 on your tablet, go to the "Go Premium" in the main menu, select Gold - don't worry, you will not be charged twice. Locus Map will just re-set to the subscribed version.

  46. NN
    5. 4. 2021

    Was erwartet uns in der Zukunft?
    Schade das unter diesen Punkt nicht eine Version fürs iPhone auftaucht.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi, the iOS version is not absolutely out of plan. However, its development will require further build-up of the team so it won't be done in a few days.

  47. Elektrikus
    5. 4. 2021

    Hallo! Besitze seit 2018 Locus map pro.Bei amazon app gekauft.
    wie komme ich zum kostenlosen Jahres Probierpaket Silver?
    War bis jetzt sehr zufrieden mit dieser outdoor app.
    Danke für eure Arbeit.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi, please contact our support team at and send your Amazon receipt. We'll send you a LM Pro voucher to Google Play. You'll install LM Pro, log in to Locus Store. Then you install LM 4 and your discount will be ready.

  48. Michael
    5. 4. 2021

    I love using the app but with all the ways of transportation; lakes, canals, rivers and waters are not easily supported. Will this be better in lm4? I think that there are many boatdrivers who'd love to see that.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Michael, Locus Map is primarily developed for dry-land activities. Nevertheless, at least the co-app BRouter offers "river" routing profile and it is possible to load boating maps as well. When there is a wider demand for boating features from our users, we'll implement more.

  49. Gerhard Schweizer
    5. 4. 2021

    Ich möchte gerne die Routingdaten des LoRouter auf der SD Karte des Smartphones speichern, so wie es bereits bei Maps und Maps Vektor durch Änderung des Standardverzeichnis machen kann.
    Die Version4 im Premium Gold Abbo gefällt mir gut.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Gerhard, we will be thinking about it. Now, it is possible to have routing data on the SD card only when the whole Locus main directory is put in to a private SD folder.

      • Gerhard Schweizer
        6. 4. 2021

        Danke für die Antwort. Zur Zeit habe ich noch ausreichend Platz im internen Speicher und muß nicht dringend das Locus main directory auf SD Karte auslagern. Bei der alten Version wurde Empfohlen das Locus main directory im internen Speicher zu belassen. Wie ist dies bei Locus Map 4.

        • Michal, Locus team
          7. 4. 2021

          The recommendations are the same as for LM Pro.

  50. hlavsic
    5. 4. 2021

    Tak, po nekolika hodinach testovani jsem vicemene spokojen. Chapu predplatne a pokud pujde ruku v ruce s kvalitou, tak za me ok!

    Zatim mi jen nefunguje rucni synchronizace! Kdyz dam rucni synchronizaci, tak ta skonci po chvili hlaskou "Omlouvam se, tohle nejak nefunguje" s chybou code:10100
    Automaticky backup se normalne, kazdy den, provede......

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, děkujeme za info, příště prosím rovnou na Je to nejrychlejší způsob, jak dostat problém rovnou k vývojářům. Díky!

      • hlavsic
        8. 4. 2021

        Ok, priste budu hlasit tam :-)

        Jinak pro uprsneni, jedna se o Android 11 na Google Pixel 4a 5G

  51. Ronald Holzwarth
    5. 4. 2021

    die nicht funktionierende 2. Installation am Tablet lag an einem anderen Google Acount (Tablet).
    Das Erstellen von Routen im Locus Map beta - WEB Planer funktioniert prima
    Auch die Möglichkeit, die Route in der Cloud zu speichern klappt; allerdings wäre eine Möglichkeit der Bennennung der "export.gpx" Datei vor dem Export sinnvoll, da die Datei im Download- Ordner des PC abgelegt werden (export.gpx; export(1).gpx; export(2).gpx usw); den für die Datei ursprünglich verwendeten Namen (Datum und Uhrzeit) vorzusehen wäre am einfachsten.
    Das Synchronisieren der am PC erstellten (Locus Map beta) Route mit Phone und Tablet funktioniert ebenfalls wunderbar.
    Die angelegten Trackordner werden auch in der WEB- Ansicht unter "MEINE BIBLIOTHEKEN" angezeigt; allerdings fehlt die Darstellung der Symbole (Unterscheidung der Tourart ist in der Detailansicht vorhanden) und die Anzeige der Ordnerbelegung (bei der Ordnerbelegung ist nur die Gesamtmenge sinnvoll, da bei 2, oder mehr Geräten auch unterschiedliche Trackmengen zur Ansicht geladen sein können).
    Das Bearbeiten eines Track- Titels in der WEB- Ansicht erleichtert die Nachbearbeitung zu Hause am PC sehr, wünschenswert wäre noch eine Möglichkeit Farbe der Tracks etc. ebenfalls am PC (WEB) zu ändern. Auch die Editiermöglichkeit einzelner Tracks fehlt.
    Auch die Gruppen (MEINE BIBLIOTHEK) auf Festplatte zu speichern fand ich nicht.
    Eine sehr sinnvolle Möglichkeit GPX (oder auch KML) - Dateien in Locus Map WEB zu importieren steht noch auf der Wunschliste (Import funktioniert zwar schon - aber umständlich).

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Web planer and library is still in development and many features are to be implemented. Please, stay tuned.

  52. GVA
    5. 4. 2021

    Nice new version! But till when I can decide to get a free year silver or 50% discount on the gold for one year? I am a Pro user.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi, at the moment, there is no deadline for this. As a Pro user you can decide whenever you need.

  53. Dainius
    5. 4. 2021

    LM4. Where is a button "Rotate map according to the direction"

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Dainius, rotation is controlled by the centering button (the same way as in Google Maps). Double-tap it to rotate the map, tap&hold it to turn auto-centering on/off..

  54. Stefan
    5. 4. 2021

    congratulations to the new APP and thank you for creating and updating one of the beat apps ever. For now I am still happy with Locus Maps Pro, but I will have an eye on the new version and get the abo, if it brings me enough benefits. So first of all a big "thank you“ to still keep Locus Maps Pro available in the actual status.

    One thing was always missing for me in Locus: Offline-Search for adresses and points of interest from the Map data. I think, there was also a feature request in the old Version. In Osmand this works really fine. For example to show all Restaurants or fuel stations around on the map. I guess, there were some technical problems with the map format. Are there any plans to implement this in Locus 4?


    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Stefan, offline search of addresses was implemented a few years ago (see Offline search of LoPoints has also been available for years, see The latter, however, will be better integrated with the general "Search" feature in the future.

  55. Marie
    6. 4. 2021

    I love this new version and especially the sync with the cloud ! Brilliant!
    but I can't find the button to rotate the map (on the direction headed sensed by GPS) :(

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Marie, rotation is controlled by the centering button (the same way as in Google Maps). Double-tap it to rotate the map, tap&hold it to turn auto-centering on/off..

  56. Jens
    6. 4. 2021

    Nachdem ich die free App seit ein paar Jahren gelegentlich benutze, dachte ich mir,kaufe ich die Vollversion - ist ja wirklich nett gemacht - und sehe gibts jetzt nur noch im Abo :-(. Danke, wenn ihr das Geld der gelegentlichen Nutzer nicht mehr wollt, dann muss ich mich wohl nach einer anderen App umsehen, oder erst mal bei der Free Version bleiben.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Jens, if you don't prefer subscription model of Locus Map 4, there is still Locus Map Pro available for a single payment.

  57. Gerhard Schweizer
    6. 4. 2021

    Unter Einstellungen, Karten, Kartentools habe ich die Bildschirm Lupe gefunden. Wie bekomme ich diese in eine direkte Menü Ebene. In der alten Version war die Karten Lupe direkt zugänglich und ich hatte es oft genutzt.

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 4. 2021

      Hi Gerhard,
      we are sorry for this inconvenience. The magnifier will be available for inserting into a function panel in the next app version. Please wait a few days.

  58. MichalP
    6. 4. 2021

    nainstaloval jsem si novou 4 verzi a zatím to vypadá, že je vše OK a nové prostředí je opravdu přehlednější. Nějaká chybka se občas najde (nešlo mi rovnou zakoupit LoCoiny pro nákup nějaké mapy, ale obešel jsem to přes obchod). Ale to je určitě detail, který se brzy vychytá.
    Dotaz zní,
    - jestli je nějak pokročeno s návodem či novým custom screen?
    - kde je možné hlásit chybu mapy. Resp. vyhledání je OK, jen popisek mapy je špatný.

    Hodně úspěchů, držím pěsti.

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, děkujeme. Chyby prosím hlaste na Je to nejrychlejší způsob, jak dostat problém rovnou k vývojářům. Na "návodu" čili manuálu se pracuje, custom screen je v pořadí. Chyby v mapě jsou problém OSM podkladu, takže buď použijte OSM poznámku v Locusu nebo přímo kontaktujte OSM komunitu (

  59. Pavel
    6. 4. 2021

    Zdravím komunitu
    Poprosím zdatnější, jak nastavit LM4, tak aby "žral" co nejméně energie.
    Využívám smartwatch doplněk, tak chci aby foun byl co nejdéle živej.

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, vyzkoušejte automatické zapínání/vypínání displeje a vypínání GPS pokud máte přerušený záznam trasy.

  60. Jakub Cikhart
    6. 4. 2021

    mam offline mapy na externi SD karte, ale Locus 4.0 mi nenabidl pouziti karty jako uloziste. Pritom v 3.5 to normalne pouzivam. Netusite kde muze byt chyba ? Android 10, MIUI 12, Redmi Note 8T. Diky Jakub

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 4. 2021

      dobrý den, nastavte si v LM 4 cesty k mapám stejně jako v LM Pro, nejlépe přes zálohu nastavení LM Pro a její obnovu v LM 4.

  61. Lenka Chmelařová
    6. 4. 2021

    Hned jsem zakoupila gold.
    Jinak taky mam problem se zobrazenim, jak uz tady bylo zmineno. At prepinam mezi dark nebo light nic se nedeje. Ikonky z panelu jsou tmave a nejsou videt. Kdyz kliknu na trasu, tak text je bily a taky neni videt. A sem tam taky cosi problikava 😢
    Jinak s novou verzi jsem se tesila na sdílení zaznamenane trasy s fotkou, mapou a grafem prevyseni jak to ma treba garmin a sports tracker a bohužel to tu stale neni, i kdyz vyvojari slibovali, ze to bude kazdou chvili.

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, webová knihovna je zatím v prvním vydání, spousta věcí v ní chybí, včetně synchronizace médií. Až to bude umět, bude možné sdílet trasy s fotkami jak to umí konkurence. Makáme na tom.

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Ohledně toho problikávání - zřejmě máte telefon Xiaomi? Pokud ano, vyjměte Locus ze systémového dark modu v nastavení telefonu. Mělo by to pomoct.

  62. jean-pierre
    6. 4. 2021

    Hi the Locus team; need some help to translate this web page of description in french ? For sure we are numerous french language users (and definitely not well known for beeing very easy with foreign languages !), this could help to improve fame of Locus Map ....

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 4. 2021

      Hi Jean-Pierre, thank you for your offer. Yes, we know we need more localizations of the website, and not only French. We have it on our road plan but not immediately. At the moment we are trying to cope with the massive feedback after the LM4 release so when the situation is calmer, we can go on improving :) Please send me your offer at so that it doesn't get lost in this thread. Thanks!

  63. Marek
    7. 4. 2021

    Akonáhle vyšla nová verzia, využil som zľavu na Gold verziu; úplne všetko je super.
    Sklamalo mal len to, že odhadovaný čas LoRouter trás na spodnej lište je ešte menej presný, než bol pri BRouter alebo GraphHopper.
    Funkcia pre detailné ETA je veľmi presná, sedí takmer dokonale s reálnym časom, ale pri trase do/z kopca mi detailné ETA píše napr. 1h30 a LoRouter len 25min. Dúfam, že sa táto funkcia časom zlepší.

    • Radim, Locus team
      8. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, aplikace používá pro počítání ETA kombinaci různých údajů. Pokud by např. záznam trasy v profilu "chůze" běžel v autě, mělo by to vliv. Pokud to není tento případ, prosíme rovnou na

  64. Grzegorz
    8. 4. 2021

    when I try login on web planner with google account I see "Verifying your subscription status failed. Please try again later" (I got SILVER account). What I do wrong?

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, please report the bug at It's the fastest way how to get it directly to the devs. Thanks!

  65. Michal K.
    8. 4. 2021

    Radost z toho nemám, ale naprosto tomu kroku rozumím. Chtěl bych se zeptat, jestli je zvýhodněná nabídka pro uživatele verze Pro je nějak časově omezená (jestli existuje nějaké datum, do kdy lze nabídku využít). Díky

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, nabídka není ničím omezená, jelikož LM Pro je stále dostupné k prodeji.

  66. Conny
    8. 4. 2021

    I have been using LocusPro for several years and I am thrilled! The best app I have. Again and again I support the Locus team by buying LoMaps - but now I can't understand at all why a subscription model is introduced.
    I reject such subscription offers, a one-time payment amount would be much better.

    About the new Locus 4.0:
    As a LocusPro user, you can get the "silver version" for free for one year, and the "gold version" for half price for one year.

    What happens if you first decide on the "silver version", but then after maybe 6 months you want the "gold version"?
    As a LocusPro user, will you then also be charged half the annual price/preferential price (in this case 12€)?

    And, if you want to cancel a subscription (silver or gold) - how/where do you cancel?

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Hi Conny, unfortunately, financing new cloud service, web services (LoRouter, weather forecast, web planner, data storages, maintenance services...), continuous app development and maintenance by selling LoMaps wouldn't prevent our company from going bankrupt. Therefore we had to go into subscriptions.

      When you want to upgrade your subs, your old subscription is terminated at the moment of confirmation of the payment for the higher plan. The remaining unused sum for the old subscription (actual price) is subtracted from the full price of the remaining time of the Gold.

      You can cancel any time directly within the app > menu > my subscription or in your Google Play > menu > subscriptions.

      • Conny
        9. 4. 2021

        Thanks for your reply, but I am still unsure:

        What do you mean by "actual price"?
        After a few months of free use of Locus Silver (as a LocusPro user), do I then pay a proportionate share of the discounted 12€ or of the 24€ when I switch to Locus Gold?

  67. Andy
    8. 4. 2021

    I paid for the LoMaps update several times a year, now when I buy the annual Silver subscription, I will have to pay for the map update anyway. Bravo Locus team

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Hi Andy, the revenue from LoMaps cover just their maintenance costs. The price of Silver covers just the app updates and maintenance.

      The original model of selling lifetime licenses of LM Pro + shares from selling maps unfortunately became unsustainable for our company. Either we could abolish our busines and stop developing Locus Map or try to soup up the app with a bundle of web services etc. and offer it with subscriptions. We chose the latter.

  68. Michael
    8. 4. 2021

    Locus Map Pro is outstanding. Whereas I really would like to support Locus, I must say that I don´t need the LoMaps, because I like the free maps from a lot more.
    Also I think I don't need the Silver and Gold version, because I'm really not a friend of cloud based data handling.
    Why not use a open source peer to peer syncing software like syncthing? Without any cloud my Locus is syncronized between the smartphone and the tablet. No need for any other service, just use your brain and use a simple and secure solution!
    I think only lazy people need clouds for syncing.

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Hi Michael,
      great you found the best solution for you. You can stay with Locus Map Pro, we'll go on maintaining and updating it for you. Cloud sync is a standard nowadays, people are lazy (:-) and want their data seamlessly synced not only with tablet but also with PC and have it available anywhere in the world.

      • Patrick
        9. 4. 2021

        While I absolutely understand that most people out there will appreciate a cloud base sync a lot for me Locus always has been THE outdoor navigation app for power users. Not to say that it is not suited for normal users, but the user interface as always been packed with features most people would never know of. I'm sure one of the design goals of Locus Map 4 is to improve the user interface and target average users. However, there are still a lot of power user counting on the endless features of Locus. Thats why I would highly appreciate a non-cloud based sync solution. To be a generic file-based sync via GPX files to WebDAV or similar would be my prefered solution.
        POIs and especially tracks are highly sensitive information I don't like to be stored unencrypted on any server out of my reach.

  69. Ruda
    8. 4. 2021

    Mam Locus pro 3.5. Z blogu jsem nepochopil na co se jeste muzu tesit, nebo zda je to uplne mrtva verze. Popravde predplatne silver je tragicke zdrazeni verze pro. Chapu placeni online sluzeb, ale nechapu proc platit vypalne za pouzivani funkci z pro verze. Dark mode za to urcite nestoji. Rad budu pouzivat mrtvou pro vezi a dal si platit za online sluzby. Mrzi me tato tragicka zmena.

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den,
      tohle "výpalné" financuje nikoli používání funkcí, ale jejich další rozvoj, udržování aplikace při životě a uživatelskou podporu. Ani já se teď tady s vámi nebavím zadarmo. Operační systém Android se neustále rozvíjí (bohužel stále více iOS směrem). Na tento vývoj je potřeba reagovat, jinak app buď nebude na nových Androidech fungovat, nebo neprojde schvalovacím řízením Googlu. K tomu přičtěte poplatky za GraphHopper, vyhledávání adres v Googlu nebo DarkSky za předpověď počasí. Z tohoto pohledu LM Pro nebude mrtvá nikdy dokud ji nestopneme uplně.

  70. spezl2003
    9. 4. 2021

    Wird die neue Locus App auch in der Google Familienmediathek verfügbar sein,
    das heißt, könnte ich das Abo denn mit meinen Familienmitgliedern teilen, wenn ich schon eines abschließen müsste, um weiterhin die gleichen Funktionen wie in der Locus Map Pro zu nutzen?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi, unfortunately, Google Play does not enable "family library" for subscriptions.

  71. Andreas Kurzhals
    9. 4. 2021

    Liebes Locus.Team,
    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Version 4. Ich habe lange darauf gewartet und mich gleich für die Premium-Version entschieden. Speziell die Cloud-Anbindung ist ein richtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Endlich gibt es die Verbindung zum Desktop.
    Hier hätte ich aber schon etwas mehr erwartet. Ich finde zum Beispiel kein Forum, in dem Probleme zwischen Nutzern und Adminstratoren diskutiert werden können.
    Nach wie vor habe ich Probleme mit den Einstellungen. Wo finde ich was? Was haben die Körperparametern in Trackaufzeichnung zu suchen?
    Seit der Version 4 meldet sich ständig ein Einstellungsbildschirm, in dem ich einen Geräteadministrator aktivieren soll. Regelmäßige Probleme sind dann die Folge. So gibt es viele Fragen, über die ich gern mit Gleichgesinnten diskutieren würde.
    Bisher ist die Seite ist bisher nur ein Werbeauftritt. Den echte Mehrwert für mich als Nutzer habe ich noch nicht gefunden.
    Vielleicht könnt Ihr mir weiterhelfen?!
    Danke und viele Grüße

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi Andreas,
      you can contact the devs directly here:, Locus forum of devs and power users is here:, user's manual is here: All links are in the footer ot website or here: Michal, Locus team

  72. Bogusław C
    9. 4. 2021

    Mam LMPro i nie mogę się zalogować do planera internetowego, wyskakuje napis:
    „Ponieważ świadczymy tę usługę z UE, potrzebujemy Twojej zgody z RODO. Prosimy o potwierdzenie w aplikacji mobilnej Locus Map”
    Czy potrzebna jest wykupiona subskrypcja silver lub gold?

    • Andy
      10. 4. 2021

      Planować możesz bez rejestracji, natomiast zapisywanie tras tylko dla Gold. Tym samym zalogować się do panelu mogą tylko użytkownicy Gold.

  73. Radek
    9. 4. 2021

    Takže to znamená, že to co už jsem jednou zaplatil, budu teď platit každý rok znovu po vzoru nejdebilnějšího produktu Microsoftu Office 365? Tak to se spolehněte, že nebudu.

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Nemusíte, můžete nadále používat Locus Map Pro. Budeme aplikaci nadále udržovat a aktualizovat.

  74. Jozef Šarina
    9. 4. 2021

    Dobry den, mrzi ma, ze na webe v planovaci nemam moznost (alebo som na to neprisiel) upravit dodatocne uz ulozenu trasu... ako je to napriklad v konkurencnom m* tj kedykolvek sa k nej vratit a pokracovat v planovani.

    • Jozef Šarina
      9. 4. 2021

      ... a teda tiez napriklad zmazat trasu...

    • Jozef Šarina
      10. 4. 2021

      Pomaly zacinam lutovat, ze som kupil Gold... synchronizacia z webu smerom do telefonu nefunguje, naopak ano, na webe nemozno mazat, nemozno upravovat ulozene trasy, nemoznost zoradit trasy podla kriterii ako nazov, datum, pripadne dlzka trasy, nemoznost zmenit zobrazenie mapy napriklad na teren...
      Velka trufalost takyto nedorobeny produkt ponukat na testovanie zakaznikom, a este si nechat zaplatit.

      • Michal, Locus team
        12. 4. 2021

        Dobrý den,
        webový plánovač je ještě v procesu dovýroby, uvedené vlastnosti zanedlouho implementujeme. Pokud nejste spokojen, do 48 hodin od nákupu můžete předplatné sám stornovat. Později se prosím obraťte na a pošlete svůj Google Play účet. Nákup vám rádi refundujeme.

        • Jozef Šarina
          12. 4. 2021

          Pouzivam Locus uz velmi dlhu dobu, takze ak je planovac v procese dokoncovania, tak rad pockam. Bol to jeden z dovodov prechodu na Gold, preto snad trochu to sklamanie, ze to je polofunkcne. Drzim palce nech sa to podari co najskor.

  75. Pavel
    9. 4. 2021

    používám LM PRO WATCH na hodinkách Samsung. Bude appka i pro LM 4?
    Jinak verze 4 vypadá dobře, jsem zvědavý na plánování tras na webu.
    Díky a držím palce.

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den,
      nainstalujte do hodinek Locus Map Free Watch. Je to identická aplikace. Kvůli podmínkám Samsungu, že jedna aplikace pro hodinky nemůže obsluhovat dvě mobilní aplikace, jsme museli vytvořit dvě s různými názvy.

  76. Andy
    9. 4. 2021

    I have this question about Premium Gold version and my "web library of tracks and routes". What if I quit Gold and switch to Silver or Free, will my library be deleted? I use Locus seasonally only in the spring - autumn period, so in the season I would buy the months that interest me, so I ask what about my library when I will not pay any subscription during the winter (Free version)?

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Actually, that hasn't been decided yet. For the time being, the data will stay intact on the server. And of course in you app too.

  77. Bendeguz
    9. 4. 2021

    Is it possible to connect the new Locus Map app to Shimano Steps E8000 system with SC-E7000 (bluetooth) display?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi, Locus Map supports all devices with standard BT protocol. However, there might occur an issue if the BT signal is modified by the device. Michal, Locus team

  78. Ales
    10. 4. 2021

    V aplikaci v4 jsem nenašel informaci o ročním předplatném zdarma při přechodu z Pro verze, tak jsem si zkušebně zaplatil 1 měsíc Silver. Informaci vidím až tady na webu, snad to roční předplatné zdarma bude ještě možné použít?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, ano, klikněte na roční Silver, uvidíte čas příští platby až za rok. Michal, Locus team

  79. Andreas Kurzhals
    10. 4. 2021

    Hallo liebes Locus-Team,
    ich habe gestern einen recht umfangreichen Kommentar hinterlassen. Jetzt finde ich ihn nicht mehr wieder.
    Könnt Ihr mir helfen?
    Danke und viele Grüße

    • Andreas Kurzhals
      10. 4. 2021

      Oh sorry, jetzt ist er wieder da?

      • Michal, Locus team
        12. 4. 2021

        Hi, Yes, I've just answered it above

  80. Alain
    10. 4. 2021

    I have been a Locus pro user for a long time.
    I decided to upgrade to LM4 gold. I installed it on my samsung with the latest Locus pro 3.5 backup. I got everything back without setting anything. It's magical. I only had to reinstall the maps.
    It's true that the business model has changed. 24€ per year for some is a lot. But you are a team of developers and you have to be paid because the work you have done and that you do is remakable.
    Question I created a trace on LM Web and I can't find it on LM4 of my device. On the other hand on LM Web in my librairy I can find all the traces that are in the LM4 of my device.
    The synchronization works well in the direction Device to cloud Locus but not in the direction Locus cloud . Why?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi Alain,
      thanks fo your support! As for the sync web > mobile, for now, please sync your data manually from the Locus Map. We'll have to improve this proces on the side of the web planner. Michal

  81. Pavel
    11. 4. 2021

    S předplatným vůbec žádný problém, je to logický a správný krok a protože dobré věci se mají podporovat tak rovnou z verze pro na gold .
    Synchronizaci nejen tras ale i bodů máte v plánu, Zkusmo dělám plán trasy s keškami v tabletu a synchronizuji do mobilu, vualá . Až to bude ve webové apce , na noťasu či PC stopro paráda.
    Jen malý problém, už to tady v diskusi někde bylo. Problikávání, změna barevného podání ikon při posuvu mapy, zřejmě to souvisí s tmavým motivem, s nastavováním motivu .
    Na tabletu, Android 9 to nedělá, v mobilu Android 11 dojde při posuvu mapy k změně barevného podání ikony keše, okamžik je pozadí ikony černé a poté se vrátí na původní bílou. Plus problikávání jiných bodů v mapě . Vyzkoušeno při všech nastavení tématu, bílá, černá , systém.
    Respektive, jakoby nastavení témetu nebylo funkční .
    Ve starém Locusu se nic z výše popisovaného neděje .

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Dobrý den, tenhle problém způsobují telefony Xiaomi (zatím se nám nikdo s jinou značkou neozval), resp jejich systémový dark mode, který aplikacím vnucuje své nastavení, ikdyž mají své vnitřní nastavení jinak. Vyjměte prosím Locus ze systémového dark modu v nastavení telefonu a mělo by to být v pořádku.

      • Pavel
        12. 4. 2021

        Díky moc za radu, provedeno a je to OK

  82. Peter Noll
    11. 4. 2021

    Wie werden die Daten von LM 3 zu LM 4 übernommen ?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi Peter, both apps share the same data folders so no transfer is necessary. Only if you 'd like the same settings as in LM3, transfer them via the backup manager - backup your LM3 settings and restore them in LM 4. Michal, Locus team

      • Jürgen Reich
        15. 4. 2021

        Hallo Michal,
        betrifft das auch für das mühsam selbt erstellte Dashboard in LM3?
        Kann ich dieses Dashboard in LM4 in den Ordner Data/Dashboard kopieren und in LM4 weiter nutzen?


        Jürgen Reich

  83. Jiří Šimek
    11. 4. 2021

    Dobrý den, přešel jsem z verze Pro na Gold. Zatím vše funguje, po počátečních problémech se synchronizací nyní absolutní spokojenost s LM4 na dvou founech. Poplatek 650 Kč/rok mi přijde naprosto v pořádku, za kvalitu si rád připlatím. Díky celému týmu za špičkový produkt !👍

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Děkujeme moc!

  84. Andet
    11. 4. 2021

    In terms of functionality scope, how Locus Map Pro compares to Locus Map 4 free?
    Is it worth to jump from Pro to 4 free?
    (would be nice to see table with features comparison of Pro vs 4 free vs 4 silver vs 4 gold)

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 4. 2021

      Hi Andet,
      The new generation of Locus Map brings a lot of improvements, among others:

      - new user interface – the main screen, controlling, point label etc.
      - new native online content – default online LoMaps, LoRouter and LoPoints
      - new route planner with integrated map content panel
      - OneDrive support for direct import/export and automatic backup

      Detailed feture comparison 4 free vs 4 silver vs 4 gold is here:

  85. dim
    12. 4. 2021

    Hello, can I still use external BRouter for offline navigation with Silver subscription or there is no offline navigation with Silver subscription at all?

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Yes you can use BRouter with Locus Map Pro, Locus Map 4 basic, Locus Map 4 Silver. Only the internal LoRouter is available in the Gold.

  86. Urs
    12. 4. 2021

    Als langjähriger und häufiger Benutzer von Locus Map Pro war ich gespannt auf die neue Version. Natürlich habe ich Locus Map 4 sofort heruntergeladen und ausprobiert. Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht: Die Bedienung der App finde ich sehr gelungen. Es brauchte eine gewisse Angewöhnungszeit, aber bei einer so umfangreichen App ist das wohl klar! Ich fand fast alle bekannten Features wieder (und ein paar neue). Meistens waren sie sehr intuitiv zu finden, manchmal musste ich länger suchen, aber es machte stets Sinn. Den Routenplaner nutzte ich oft und ärgerte mich darüber, dass man die Reihenfolge der Punkte nicht einfach ändern konnte. Nun ist das gelöst!
    Selbstverständlich habe ich bald das Gold-Abo gelöst, denn ich will wirklich viele der Features von Locus Map 4 nutzen, auch mit den LoMaps und der Navigation hatte ich bisher nur gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Die Synchronisation war dann etwas holprig. Es ging langsam vorwärts und die App stürzte mehrfach ab. Doch etwa im sechsten Versuch stand der Fortschrittsbalken schnell auf über 90% und der Upload konnte auch erfolgreich abschliessen. Etwas verwundert und auch enttäuscht (bisher das einzige Mal) war ich, als ich im Webplaner meine Punkte nicht vorfand. Denn im Blog steht ja: "Das Herzstück ist ein Cloud-Speicher, an den Locus Map automatisch Ihre Routen und Punkte (!) von Ihrem Handy oder Tablet sendet." Wird das noch nachgebessert? Das wäre wirklich super, denn ich verwende meine Punkte häufig für die Routenplanung.

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Hi Urs, your points are of course synchronized and saved on the cloud but so far they are not displayed in the web planner. This has to be implemented yet. We are working on it during the following months.

  87. Wolfgang
    12. 4. 2021

    Pure Begeisterung für die 4.0.
    Nach vielen Jahren der LocusMap-Pro-Nutzung nun eine tolle Weiterentwicklung.
    Der WebPlaner und die Cloud-Funktion ist super.
    Bin gerne mit Abo unterstützend dabei.
    Grüße aus dem Südwesten.

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Thank you Wolfgang very very much!

  88. Ondra
    13. 4. 2021

    Dobrý den, plánuje se podpora Garmin Varia radaru? Mám rtl510 (ant+) a tady tu funkci bych uvítal...

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Momentálně tedy máme dost práce s nástupem LM 4, nicméně podporu radaru vidíme pozitivně. Zatím pro ni můžete hlasovat na našem helpdesku:

  89. Adam
    13. 4. 2021

    Playing around with Version 4 and I like it a lot.
    My main use-case is doing my planning on my PC and not on my phone for my hikes.
    This requires custom maps and at least some of my custom points, which is only possible in the phone app at the moment. I would really appreciate to load my other maps for the web planner. It would be also great to see my points on the map as well. Now I need to go a lot more back and forth during the planning phase.

    Route tracking:
    It took me a while to enable everything needed on my phone for the tracking to work properly ( while my phone screen is off). Do you guys have already a tutorial for this? I think it make sense to create one. (Allowing GPS, GPS when the app is not in use/focus, no battery saver mode, other android settings.)

    Looking forward for any new features :D

    • Michal, Locus team
      14. 4. 2021

      Hi Adam,
      both user points and custom maps are on the pipeline for the web planner. Still a lot of work to do though. As for the manual, it is at but it is in reconstruction as it is based on the previous versions of Locus.

  90. Dieter
    15. 4. 2021

    Sorry, Michael, but apart from a new interface/design, as well as the online offerings ("cloud"), this new version is so far not a real development at all.

    LoRouter is the same as the otherwise also functioning (free) BRouter.
    Also, ' menion' from the development team has denied that there will be a "lifetime" model (one-time payment; no subscription model) for Silver/Gold.

    Sorry, so far all very disappointing!

    • Jan, Locus team
      16. 4. 2021

      Sad that you see it that way Dieter. If you don't see real benefit in more than 2 years of development in our team, just stay on Locus Map Pro which get you covered.

      We are preparing possibility to obtain Silver/Gold also without subscription if you don't like it. However it will not be one-time life-time payment and subscription will be always a little bit more cost-effective due to Google payment conditions which we are rely on.

  91. Andy
    15. 4. 2021

    Unfortunately, but the cost of living and maintaining the infrastructure costs money, so I understand the subscription model. However, I believe that the subscription price is wrongly calculated. Not all live in rich West Europe. In particular, I mean the Gold version. I think and I am sure that more people would choose Gold if the price was around 15 euro.

    • Jan, Locus team
      16. 4. 2021

      Thanks for the feedback Andy!

  92. Scubatinoo
    17. 4. 2021

    I like the app, that's why i bought the pro version. But if i have to buy a subscription service in the future, i will delete the app and use alternatives.

  93. Alan Gornik
    17. 4. 2021

    Thank you so much for your excellent app development along with outstanding customer support. Not only do I appreciate the functionality of LocusMap for my outdoor tracking projects but I have also greatly benefitted from LocusMap as a tool for increasing my understanding of mapping and GPS tools. Your team has helped me to greatly expand my knowledge, for which I am grateful. I am more than happy to pay the few dollars/year for a subscription to the enhanced product and support its continued development!

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      Thanks for your kind words Alan!

  94. Kirill
    19. 4. 2021

    Hey Locus Team, thanks for what you´re doing! I´ve been using Locus Pro for years. Years of lovely experience.

    I downloaded Version 4, got my 1 year free of Silver and played around a bit. I have to admit, switching from 3.5 to 4 was seamless. All my openandromaps maps, BRouter data, tracks and points remained the same from the box, literally no need to download anything extra. Bravo!

    Web planner for desktop is however very basic, even comparing with in-app route planner. I´m not sure if it´s because of Silver, or is it still in development?

    It also seems to me that a gap between Basic and Silver and that one between Silver and Gold are disproportional. For 10 euro a year you get nearly the same that you´d have gotten for free. No ad banner (which does not bother at all, since modern devices´screens are being made too big anyway), no sophisticated Route Planner perks and elevation data... But being a Silver member, you have to live without offline maps, offline routing, web library, even the web planner functionality is limited (according to the comparison table). I realize I can go on with offline openandromaps, offline BRouter and export gpx manually from the web planner but that actually makes my switching to Locus 4 pointless. Personally, if the situation remains the same in a year, when my free Siver expires, I won´t pay for the next year but downgrade to Basic or Version 3.5 instead. I´m afraid, if the others think the same way, you guys would lose some revenues.

    Could you consider maybe moving the web library under the Silver plan, at least for a year? Because anyway, I suppose, few people will use brand-new Locus web planner. BRouter free web planner is far more convenient, has more feautures and, since one needs to export route manually by downloading gpx file both in BRouter and Locus web planners, there is no sense in using yours, sorry. But with the web library under the Silver plan, more people would tolerate its yet basic functionality because they would be attracted by quick route sharing between desktop and device. So, here comes more feedback, more crowd testing, more interest. Then, when everyone is on the needle, come on, move it back under the Gold. Paying 12 euro more for the Gold for using the web library straight away sounds a bit like becoming a beta tester for my 12 euro. :(

    Anyway, Locus is still the best app. Die Komoot die!
    Best wishes ;)

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      Hi, with some delay, thanks for your feedback! Yes, web planner is still in rapid development, because we are fully aware of important missing features. You can check it now, month after your comment. Lots of changed during that time. :)

      I can't comment yet whether we will be able to put web library to silver plan, but we will for sure evaluate it for the future.

  95. dotAge
    20. 4. 2021

    I must say that 24 euros per year is quite expensive for a Chinese consumer like me. If you could set a price policy based on the country's consumption level I think it would be very popular. The stored tracks and the map data used would be limited to the latitude and longitude of the country.

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      Hi, for now it is unlikely that we will be able to introduce country specific prices as they are mostly driven by costs on our side, which are same for everyone around the globe. But everything can change someday, thanks for the feedback.

  96. Peter Knoblich
    20. 4. 2021

    Ich bin seit Jahren begeisterter Locus Nutzer und werde Locus4 Gold ausprobieren. Viele Outdoor-Fans konnte ich auch schon von Locus überzeugen.
    Also weiter so, ich bin in Vorfreude und lass mich überraschen.

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      Thank you Peter, much appreciated!

  97. Juergen Vogl
    22. 4. 2021

    ich nutze seit Jahren LocusPro und bin nun umgestiegen auf den Nachfolger.
    Ein großes Lob an das Team. M.E. die beste Navi-App.
    Mit dem bisher eher etwas schlank daher kommenden Planner habe ich erste Touren geplant, in die Cloud hochgeladen und mit dem Mobilphone synchronisiert. Das geht hervorragend. Der Planner wird hoffentlich noch Benutzer freundlicher. Routen, die mit dem Rennrad geplant sind, lassen sich nicht einfach auf das Tourenrad durch einen Klick übertragen. Das können andere, auch BRouter, besser.
    Die Alternative Gravelbike wäre auch sinnvoll (oder soll das der Button "Tourenrad" abdecken?)
    Bei den neu geplanten Touren erhalte ich hin und wieder den Hinweis rechts abzubiegen, obwohl die Strecke nach links geht und umgekehrt. Das ist mit LocusPro und Brouter voher nicht passiert.
    Wenn Ihr den Planner weiter entwickelt, wäre auch eine Schaltfläche sinnvoll, die Campingplätze und Feuerstellen mit berücksichtigt.
    Es gibt also noch etwas zu tun. Viel Erfolg bei der weiteren Entwicklung.

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      Thanks for your feedback Juergen, yes, we are still working hard to implement those missing features to our new web planner. It is now a lot different that how it was month ago. :) We are also still tweaking routing profiles, so I hope it gives you better results now.

  98. Csé
    1. 5. 2021

    Ohne google unterstütztung, kann man eine Abonnement irgendwie buchen? Schaffte ich bisher nicht, kriege ich die Fehler Code 500.

    • Jan, Locus team
      29. 5. 2021

      For now, Google Play is mandatory for activating premium plans, but we are preparing options how to activate them without it. We hope to make them available around end of the summer.

  99. Reto
    5. 5. 2021

    Ich bin auch auf die Version 4 umgestiegen, klare Verbesserung, vorallem übersichtlicher weil aufgeräumter - Gratulation. Schade aber, dass es immer noch nicht auf iOS läuft...
    Frage: In der Versoin 3 gab es ein Info-Feld, wo man die Koordinaten des Bildschirm-Mittelpunktes anzeigen konnte. Wie kann ich die Koordinaten in Version 4 anzeigen?

    Beste Grüsse

    • Jan, Locus team
      31. 5. 2021

      Hi, if you mean top panel with coordinates, just turn on top panel in the app settings and then click on them to select showing coordinates. This top panel was by default hidden in LM4 but it is still there for everybody who might be missing it. :)

  100. Sid Labdi
    12. 5. 2021

    Fantastic ! Thank's for this new major release. I have applied for the gold version. On the web planner, is it possible to use all those very usefull routing options provided by Brouter ? This is the case with CycleOsm (Web interface) for example.



    • Jan, Locus team
      31. 5. 2021

      Hi, features allowing user to customise routing profiles is planned!

  101. Sateesh
    14. 5. 2021

    Hello Locus Team!

    I am a huge fan of the Locus Maps and currently have the Locum Maps Pro(3.5.x), and Samsung add-on for my Samsung Active watch.

    I am really excited to see the announcement and release of version 4, which has basic, silver, and gold subscription plans.

    Since I have Locus Maps Pro (3.5.x.x), I wonder if I get a free update to anything similar to it on version 4? or I have to buy a subscription for it?



    • Jan, Locus team
      31. 5. 2021

      Hi Sateesh,

      you for will for sure get discount to both of our premium plans in LM4. For Silver, that mean first year for free! Offering of premium features in LM Pro are not changing with introducing of LM4.

  102. UK MBA in Sri Lanka
    11. 6. 2021

    Hi to every one, the contents existing at this website are
    actually remarkable for people knowledge, well, keep up
    the nice work fellows.

  103. Antaiir
    16. 6. 2021

    Ich würde ja umsteigen, aber ein Abo kommt für mich grundsätzlich nicht in Frage. Daher bleibe ich auf Version 3.5.

    Übrigens kann man nicht vom Smartphone aus kommentieren, weil dieser alberne Captcha-Müll dort nicht funktioniert.

    • Michal Stupka
      17. 6. 2021

      Hi, Locus Map Pro stays in our portfolio, it will be maintained and updated. I'm responding from a mobile phone.

  104. Michael
    29. 6. 2021

    Hi, I don't mind subscribing as I have subscribed to live tracking on a regular basis. Although not for a year due to the travel restrictions. I like the new features but I just can't get used to the new UI. Option to switch to the old UI would be great. The new one looks pretty but I am too used to the old one. So unfortunately I am sticking with 3.5 but best of luck with the new version.

  105. Simon Dolenec
    3. 7. 2021

    I completly agree.. Subscription is no-go. There shod be one time payment option also..

  106. Spielt keine Rolle mehr
    21. 9. 2021

    Hi ich habe locus immer gerne genutzt, aber mit der neuen Version komme ich nicht klar u. Offline Karten bekomme ich auch nicht runtergeladen. Schade. Warum müsst ihr Softwerker immer alles verschlimmbessern. Deinstallation u. weiter mit Navigator.

    • Michal, Locus team
      21. 9. 2021

      Hi, if you don't like the new Locus Map 4, you can go on with Locus Map Pro. We update and maintain it regularly and it is still available on Google Play Store.

  107. Yves BROUX
    8. 12. 2021

    J'utilise Locus Map 4 et suis très satisfait ... à l'exception d'un point : la valeur du dénivelé indiquée pendant une randonnée n'est pas correcte. Je pense qu'il faut que je modifie des paramètres, notamment les paramètres d'enregistrement d'un parcours.
    Pouvez-vous m'indiquer les meilleures valeurs des paramètres du profil d'enregistrement pour une marche de randonnée à pied, qui donne un dénivelé le plus proche de la réalité ?
    Actuellement mes paramètres sont :
    intervalle de distance : 10 m
    intervalle de temps : 10 s
    condition d'enregistrement : distance et temps
    précision du GPS requise : 100 m
    Comment modifier ces paramètres pour améliorer la valeur du dénivelé lors d'une randonnée à pied ?
    Merci pour la réponse.

    • Michal, Locus team
      9. 12. 2021

      Hi Yves, Locus Map processes elevation gain from the data it receives from your phone GPS. If the data are incorrect or contain huge deviations, then the resulting elevation gain is also incorrect. Locus Map, however, offers a few methods on how to limit these deviations. Open Locus settings > GPS&sensors:

      - Location filter > select medium or heavier filter

      - Google Services assisted location > turn it ON

      - Altitude manager > settings tab > SRTM data - select "Optimize GPS values" or "Replace GPS values"

      - Altitude manager > settings tab > Pressure sensor > turn ON (if available)

      - Altitude manager > settings tab > Altitude filter - select medium or heavier filter

  108. Milda
    19. 1. 2022

    Zdravím, mám trošku problém s možností si zaplatit Silver verzi.
    Žádost proběhne až do okamžiku platby a poté naskočí hláška že se něco pokazilo :
    Code 6 , DV,code 11367
    Kde je chyba ?

    • Michal, Locus team
      20. 1. 2022

      Dobrý den, ozvěte se prosím na helpdesk na adrese a pošlete adresu svého Locus účtu. Mrkneme se na to. Michal, Locus team

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