Looking back at 2022

Michal, Locus team

As we approach the end of the year, we thought it would be a good idea to pause and look back at what we have accomplished this year together with you. And there’s no shortage of things, you can judge for yourself. 

Let’s start with some statistics

A look at the anonymized data you sync via the Locus cloud reveals a lot of interesting numbers for 2022:

  • you’ve recorded over 2 million tracks
  • you have walked, hiked, cycled, run, climbed, etc. over 11 million (!!!) kilometers with Locus Map (that’s 14 times from the Earth to the Moon and back)
  • most of your trips have been on foot – you have enjoyed over 71,000 walks and hikes
  • the most kilometers were cycled – almost 1.5 million km
  • you added almost 7 000 user photos to LoPoints on the map during the autumn alone
  • geocachers went hunting for nearly 700,000 caches

We’ve done our best, too, and this year we’ve improved Locus Map with a lot of new features for you. Here are the highlights:

Satellite and aerial maps of the world

Since Locus Map is not built on Google’s mapping interface, it cannot legally use Google maps. The lack of a good global satellite and aerial map was our obvious disadvantage. We had to rely on local suppliers, but we were unable to find them in all countries.

As of spring 2022, that’s different – we’ve acquired global satellite data from HERE and Maxar, so we finally have a bird’s eye view of almost the entire world in both the app and the web planner.

New winter maps and ski routing

Our offline LoMaps can be switched to a winter theme for years, but this time we’ve focused on their online version so we can have a winter map on the web too. We cleaned up the map, optimized it for better readability in the sun, and added updated winter LoPoints. It includes cross-country groomed and ungroomed trails (where the OSM community has put them on the map), color-coded pistes, freeride trails, ski-alpine trails, and winter hiking trails. 

We’ve removed one big skeleton from the closet – we’ve given LoMaps a brand-new and up-to-date legend.

For white trail lovers, we’ve added a cross-country ski routing profile for both planner and quick navigation. We’re still tweaking the profile to meet the current needs of our users, so sometimes you’ll find a spot where the route is not rendered – you can overcome such a section either by drawing it manually or by switching to the walking profile.

LoPoints with information from Wikipedia

LoPoints – points marking interesting and important places on the map, are an integral part of our LoMap. In the spring, we managed to link them with data from the biggest internet encyclopedia – Wikipedia. A lot of architectural, technical, and natural landmarks on the map got interesting descriptions and photos.

Your photos of interesting places on the map

During the summer we started another big project – user photos can be assigned to each LoPoint so others can see what it looks like – is the view on the map really the view in reality? Is there really water in this well? Is this ruin really worth a visit? Is it possible to hide in this shelter in bad weather? These questions can best be answered by actual photography.

A download of caches directly in the app

Until recently, only the Geocaching4Locus add-on was used to download and import caches, but we have no influence on its development – it is programmed by one of our partners. For better sustainability and flexibility, we decided to add the cache download option directly into the app. So, it doesn’t yet do all the finesse of G4L, but we’ll add it in time. You can now find the direct cache search and import in the geocaching tools.

Locus Map Premium – one-offs and vouchers

We were able to introduce all of these new features thanks to a new sustainable way of funding our work through subscriptions. Plus, in the spring we introduced the option to get Premium services for one-off payments – for three months or a year, with no automatic renewal. This way you can use Locus “in full” only during peak season and have it free for the rest of the year.

The newest option to get Premium without having to purchase through Google Play, are annual vouchers. These can be purchased directly on our site, for yourself, or as a gift. And it really pays off now before Christmas! Each voucher contains a unique code, after entering it in the “Go Premium” section of the menu, the app restarts in Premium mode with all the high-tech features.

And what awaits us next year?

That, in a nutshell, was our year 2022 together. And what can you look forward to next time? Well, there are plenty of things to look forward to, including:

  • a completely new search – we are far from using all the possibilities of the location data available in our service, so we want to “teach” Locus better how to search in this amount
  • we will most likely expand the availability of Locus… fanfare and drumroll… even for apple industry fans! Yes, we will probably start testing the first (lightweight) versions on the iOS platform as early as spring.

So you have something to look forward to again, and so do we! We wish you all good health and lots of outdoor fun with Locus Map!


  1. Baranyai Gábor
    22. 12. 2022

    Köszönöm!! Boldog karácsonyt!!

    • Vasco Figueiras
      19. 1. 2023

      Agradecia que me reenviassem uma relação do meu passado recente, sempre com a app LOCUS e que reflete os kms que andei, os locais por onde passsei, as fotografais que fiz, enfim, muito da minha vida.
      Agradecia muito.
      Obrigado e parabens à EQUIPA LOCUS

  2. TherBanana
    22. 12. 2022

    Good work guys, thanks for this amazing app!!

    • Mètowoui Hospice KLEGBO
      6. 1. 2023

      Excellent app

  3. Jan
    22. 12. 2022

    Thank you for all the work done on this app. I'm curios about the iOS version.

    • Peter
      22. 12. 2022

      Super app en bedankt voor alle effort

    • Phil Catterall
      22. 12. 2022

      Glad I signed up for, ans learnt how to get the best out of Locus 4. The server support in Premium is invaluable. Thanks guys 😀 good job

      • Kiên Cường
        23. 12. 2022

        Phần mền tuyệt vời, cám ơn nhà phát triển phần mềm, các bạn đưa thêm nền vệ tinh nữa thì rất tốt

        • Vladimir
          23. 12. 2022

          This app is really amazing. I always start and finish each my trip with this app. Thank you for your effort. Good job.

        • Vladimir
          23. 12. 2022

          Sorry, I puted my commet inadvisedly.

  4. KH Bs
    22. 12. 2022

    Vielen Dank für die ausgezeichnete Arbeit an dieser tollen App!!

  5. Gavin McLachlan
    22. 12. 2022

    Thank you for this fantastic app.

  6. Peter
    22. 12. 2022

    Thank you!
    So on next year too!
    I wish everyone a blessed Christmas!

  7. Rainer
    22. 12. 2022

    Ich bin absolut begeistert von dieser App. Ob zum Wandern , Motorradfahren, Fahrradfahren..
    einfach nur gut!

  8. Norbert
    22. 12. 2022

    Thank you and go on

  9. Uplander
    22. 12. 2022

    I've been using Locus to plan car journeys and navigate while hiking for several years. Locus is great! I recommend it to every tourist I meet and not only. Many thanks to the Locus team, whom I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of success.

  10. Bruno Vasconcelos
    22. 12. 2022

    Uma aplicação espetacular que uso para os meus percursos a pé não quero outro

  11. Neefs Thierry
    22. 12. 2022

    Gebruik al jaren locus, geweldige app veel wandelingen gemaakt , stede´ bezocht en plezier gehad met Locus.
    Met locus kan je overal terecht.
    Prettige feestdagen gewenst voor gans het team.

  12. Tom
    23. 12. 2022

    Probably the most capable navigation app on the planet and - and even more - the best supported one! Thanks for the hard work and listening to the users.
    I'm using Locus for years now and it's getting better and better year by year.
    Looking forward to tell iPhone users "Try Locus. With this app you get this gorgeous feature!"

  13. Adeilson Mendes
    23. 12. 2022

    O melhor app de navegação, o suporte para o Brasil ainda tem um pouco a melhorar, mas é de longe o melhor, parabéns e obrigado pelo trabalho.

  14. Adeilson Mendes
    23. 12. 2022

    O melhor app de navegação, o suporte para o Brasil ainda tem um pouco a melhorar, mas é de longe o melhor, parabéns e obrigado pelo trabalho, uso desde 2018, deem uma atenção especial aos brasileiros que usam o app, um grande abraço. 🇧🇷

  15. Arne
    23. 12. 2022

    Seit Jahren nach meiner Meinung die beste Kartenapp.
    Wandern, offline Routen, Geocachen .......

    Vielen Dank hierfür.

  16. Tamás
    23. 12. 2022

    Köszönöm, Boldog Karácsonyt! Ne felejtsétek el az android óra app fejlesztését se ami esetleg tudná kezelni az offline térképeket! Fizetnék is érte! :-)

  17. Jens Kleinau
    23. 12. 2022

    I love your app. I use it regularly. Thanks for ongoing development and optimization.

  18. Johannes
    23. 12. 2022

    Love you guys. I am using locus Maps sooo many hours per year! 🙏🏻 You have the BEST Android Navigation App for Outdoor Purposes! So don't forget Android when your getting your shoes in the apple 😉

  19. Sebastian
    23. 12. 2022

    Danke für eure Arbeit!

  20. Dominique
    23. 12. 2022

    C'est un travail remarquable que vous avez fait la.
    Je l'utilise 1 a 2 fois par semaine depuis environ 8 ans.
    Bravo encore continuez.


  21. MoV
    23. 12. 2022

    O aplicatie nemaipomenită.
    Mulțumesc Locus!

    Sărbători fericite!
    La mulți ani!

  22. Jan
    23. 12. 2022

    I must agree. This app was one the reasons why I returned to Android.

    Whish you all the best and keep on with it!

  23. Paolo
    23. 12. 2022

    Complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro fatto. Uso questa app da diversi anni e la trovo talmente valida che ho smesso di usare dispositivi gps dedicati.

  24. Alain L31
    23. 12. 2022

    Merci pour votre travail. Vous êtes fantastiques. L'application est extrêmement perfectionnée et fiable.
    Maintenant ils faudrait que la version Web soit un peu plus aboutie et ce serait vraiment parfait.
    Bonne continuation

    Thank you for your work. You are fantastic. The app is extremely advanced and reliable.
    Now the Web version should be a little more complete and it would be really perfect.
    Good continuation

  25. Christian
    23. 12. 2022

    Best App! Interaction with developer for implementing power meter for cycling was amazing.
    Keep up with the good work!

  26. Salvo
    23. 12. 2022

    Ottima app
    Buon Natele e Felice 2023

  27. Philippe AUBERT
    24. 12. 2022

    I confirm, Best application found on smartphone with all and more fonctions as a normal GPS.
    For the preparation of new tours ,the possibility to have better maps on the Web would be a plus.
    Do you plan a version on iPhone?
    Thanks and happy new year

  28. Krzysztof
    24. 12. 2022

    Najlepsze mapy z wzystkich!
    Dzięki Locus team

  29. Ralf
    25. 12. 2022

    Just curious, as I received a renewal for my gold subscription as a present from my family: Why would the voucher have paid off before Christmas (I checked and it was always the same price, more than my active subscription)?

    All the best, thanks for continuing this awesome app (I think I bought the first version in 2010?) - have a great Christmas and a happy new year :-)

  30. Tom Westheimer
    25. 12. 2022

    Best hiking and mapping app there is. But photographs need to be accessible by Google photos! It's too big a struggle to have to take pictures for Google photos and for Locus. Please please a New Year's present for us?
    Thanks 🙏😏😊

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 1. 2023

      Hi, yes we plan this option be added some time in 2023.

  31. Richard
    25. 12. 2022

    Vielen vielen Dank für das tolle Produkt was ich gerne - auch heute - nutze. Schöner Jahresrückblick und ich freue mich auf 2023 wie es weiter geht.

  32. Captcha
    29. 12. 2022

    My biggest wish for 2023: Please revive development of the augmented-reality feature. Since AR is about to gain momentum and take off in the coming years, having Locus showing the path on AR-Glasses reliably and usefully would be the most amazing killer-feature in the whole world!
    Thank you for everything :)

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 1. 2023

      Hi, the rebuild of the AR add-on is on our road plan. We hope we'll have time for it in 2023.

  33. Jvesco
    30. 12. 2022

    Hello. Since the last updatewe can't create route by using pen mode. (The set button is unvailable)
    By me this app become impossible to use....

    Thanks for advice

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 1. 2023

      Hi, sorry for this inconvenience, we know about it and it will be fixed in the next version. For now, as a workaround, long-press the drawing mode button - it changes the mode to manual.

  34. Ben
    3. 1. 2023

    Amazing! Keep up the excellent work! Kudos!

  35. Stefan
    7. 1. 2023

    Ihr seid die besten 👍

  36. David
    7. 1. 2023

    Thank you for this great application! And I wish all the best to all the riders, walkers and talkers in the great year 2023. Lets go!!

  37. Andreas R.
    8. 1. 2023

    Vielen Dank für eure Arbeit und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung.
    Alles Gute für 2023!

  38. Jaro
    10. 1. 2023

    Przydatna bardzo apka

  39. Lecso
    15. 1. 2023

    Motoron használom a Locus-t és még sok ismerősöm. Motoros profil várható?

    • Michal, Locus team
      16. 1. 2023

      If you mean a special routing profile for road motorbikes, not at the moment.

  40. perelli
    17. 2. 2023

    Hi! Is there any chance a standalone applicatoin for Wear OS? I'd love it on my Galaxy Watch5 LTE. Without phone would be awesome.
    Keep up the good work!

    • Michal, Locus team
      20. 2. 2023

      Hi, maybe in some indefinite future :)

  41. Thomas
    20. 2. 2023

    by when will be the first version of Locus for IOS available ?

    • Michal, Locus team
      21. 2. 2023

      Hi, probably sometime in the spring.

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