New Locus Map as a full-featured geocache search tool

Michal, Locus team

Welcome to the new year 2024 and as a little gift we bring you the new version of Locus Map – 4.21. This version brings many minor improvements and one major new feature – all geocache search and download functions. So you do not need any additional applications anymore.

At the time of its creation in 2010, Locus Map was mainly known as a geocaching tool. It was able to display caches on the map, navigate to them, and provide compass guidance. Over time, it added various graphical and computational tools, a full listing display, and logging capabilities. There was also an import of Pocket Queries for the most advanced.

However, in order to easily find and download caches to Locus Map, you always needed another app. Whether it was the popular c:geo or especially the Geocaching4Locus add-on developed by one of our users. The add-on was so good and the collaboration with its creator so seamless that we had no reason to duplicate its functionality in the app for many years. 

With the advent of restrictions from new versions of the Android operating system regarding communication between apps, this collaboration has started to get a bit murky. In order to maintain the user experience and consistency of the services offered, the implementation of cache downloads directly into Locus Map was given the green light. However, Locus Map continues to support the Geocaching4Locus add-on as an alternative for those who have become accustomed to the established system.

Search for caches around you

Those who are just starting out with geocaching or are more of a casual treasure hunter will find this the easiest option. Set the location you want to search around (your current location is the default), the number of caches to download (at least 10 so you have at least a little choice) and you’re ready to go hunting. 

The more advanced ones can set up a filter to select the right geocaches according to type, difficulty, terrain and other criteria.

Confirm the folder where to save the caches and you’re done – the treasures are on the map. Now you can go hunting even without an internet connection.

To a specific cache using GC code

Each cache has its own unique code, starting with the letters GC, which is why it is also called a “GC code“. If someone sends you such a code, you can easily find the cache and download it to Locus Map.  

Select search by GC code and enter the code in the box. After tapping it, you will immediately see the cache detail and its location on the map.

When being online is not a problem

Are you hunting in an area with good coverage? Don’t need gigabytes of cache data on your phone? Do you want to have caches at your fingertips as soon as possible? The solution is a “Live” map – a dynamic layer directly above the map, showing caches in your area. Turn it on with a single tap in the content panel on the left and shift the map a bit. The caches will appear instantly:

You can also filter the “Live” caches, just like the classic search. The filter settings are displayed by tapping on the feature name:

We are still fine-tuning the planner

Work on the route planner, or LoRouter and its services, continues. In version 4.21 you will find the following new features:

  • Based on your comments and ideas, we have modified the way we cluster warning signs on the route so they don’t interfere or get in the way, but still do their job.
  • We have taught LoRouter to estimate path surfaces even where they are not implicit in the parent OSM database. For example, a second-class road is 99% certain to be made of asphalt, an unpaved forest road will be made of packed dirt, etc. Thus, we have been able to reduce the proportion of unknown surfaces to units of one percent:
  • You can share the route URL directly from the planner. This way you can share the route very quickly, even with those who don’t use the Locus Map app or don’t have Android – the route will be rendered for them on the web planner:

We’ve improved sharing with links

You can now freely send routes and points between the app and the outside world using links. This means that if you send a route or point link from the web planner or library to a phone with Locus Map installed, the app will capture the link and display the route directly on the main screen. Similarly, if you send a link from Locus Map on your phone to a friend and they open it on a PC or iOS device, the route or point will display on the page in their web browser. You can quickly get the URL from the share menu of the point or route:

Winter is in full swing, so we hope you’re spending it actively outdoors enjoying the snow. With the help of our app, of course!


  1. Timo
    26. 1. 2024

    Looking forward to see the coordinate joke baked into the main app as well.

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Hi Timo, what "coordinate joke" do you mean? Could you please be a bit more specific? Thanks

      • Mohammed
        31. 1. 2024


  2. Lorenzo
    27. 1. 2024

    Congratulations, you always manage to improve some aspect of the application even if I think it is difficult being at such a high level

  3. Frenk
    27. 1. 2024

    Plnohodnotným nástrojem pro geocaching bych to úplně nenazýval. Stále ještě chybí podpora druhu cache oblíbené Adventure Labcache a přidání do filtrování. Ale jinak je to super! Zvláště ta dynamická mapa, to se hodně povedlo. Doplněk už si dělal co chtěl a příliš mi nefungoval, zato tohle maká parádně. K dokonalosti už chybí jen přidat filtr na založené cache, aby se to nepletlo na mapě a filtr na cache obsahující TB a bude to bomba. Velmi chvalím tento počin, jediným mínusem jsou ty labky, ale věřím, že snad jednou taky přijdu.

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Dobrý den,
      stále je co zlepšovat, díky za zpětnou vazbu. Labky jsou v pořadí, stejně jako spousta dalších věcí.

  4. Martin
    27. 1. 2024

    Super - auf die Live-Karte hab' ich schon lange gewartet (wobei das Add-on auch prima läuft) 😀

  5. Tad
    27. 1. 2024

    Skvělé by bylo přidat k live mapě možnost nezobrazovat keše, které jsou již stažené v nějaké složce, tím pádem by odpadla duplicita. Teď při zapnuté live mapě a již některých stažených keší se při kliku na keš v mapě zobrazí keš dvakrát.
    Nicméně super update.

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Dobrý den, duplicitu na mapě snadno vyřešíte tak, že si stažené keše vypnete pomocí tlačítka koště nebo přímo ve správci bodů. Jinak nalezené kešky můžete odfiltrovat.

  6. Witold
    27. 1. 2024

    Pływam canoe. Czy przewidujecie dostępność planowania tras po szlakach wodnych?!

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Hi, it is possible to add the "river" profile to Locus Map via the external router BRouter. More at

  7. Hampf
    27. 1. 2024

    "Wow", just "Wow", but G4L has one feature I'd like to be includes as well: "hide own geocaches".

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Thanks for your feedback. There is always something to improve. You're not alone with this request so we'll see what can be done with it.

  8. Edith
    28. 1. 2024

    Maybe it should be mentioned that use of these geocache functions requires an existing account at

    • Michal, Locus team
      29. 1. 2024

      Hi Edith, thanks for the idea but we think this basic information doesn't have to be included in an article about Locus Map update. A user is always redirected fo login/registration page before searching for geocaches.

  9. Vít Ječný
    5. 2. 2024

    Dnes, 5.2.2024 se nelze přihlásit k účtu GC ani v app geocaching 4locus. ???

    • Michal, Locus team
      6. 2. 2024

      Dobrý den, v případě jakéhokoliv problému se prosím obraťte na helpdesk na a podrobně problém popište, popř. přidejte screenshoty případných chybových hlášení.

  10. Jochy
    7. 2. 2024

    There is a feature missing: Download caches next to a route. I hate the current solution. I always have to look for caches while hiking, the map is full of caches I am not interested in, as they are too far off, but I leave the area of caches quite soon, as 500 caches sometimes cover a 10-20 km area only.

    An other feature I would be interested in: alert, if I approach a cache, let's say, if the distance is less than 200 m.

    • Michal, Locus team
      7. 2. 2024

      Hi, if you propose an idea that you think would improve the app, add it on and let other users vote for it. When it gets support from others, we'll think about implementing it. Nevertheless, for the 14 years of the app's existence, nobody else has had the same idea so maybe it is not so vital. As for "alert, if I approach a cache, let’s say, if the distance is less than 200 m." there is such a feature - see "Point alert" (

      • G.O. cacher
        17. 3. 2024

        The reason why this feature maybe has not been requested is that it is implemented in . Yes, it could be more easy if you could do it directly in Locus instead of uploading a GPX from Locus to

        • Michal, Locus team
          20. 3. 2024

          The GC Live map feature does the job perfectly.

  11. Christian
    8. 2. 2024

    die neue Live-Karte sieht schon sehr gut aus. Ich hätte aber noch eine Bitte: Könnt Ihr die Live-Karte um weitere API ergänzen, um
    - die Caches der Plattform "" und
    - die neuen Adventure-Labs von Groundspeak
    Insbesondere die Adventure-Labs wären interessant, die entsprechende App von Groundspeak ist im Gelände und zum Anpeilen der Stationen eher suboptimal zu verwenden.
    Im Übrigen bin ich begeistert von der Synchronisation der Daten zwischen verschiedenen Geräten und habe (gegen meine bisherige Überzeugung ;-)) das Gold-Abo abgeschlossen. Leider fehlen im Web-Frontend noch einige Features zur Verwaltung von Tracks und Wegpunkten. Habt Ihr hier noch etwas geplant?
    Viele Grüße

    • Michal, Locus team
      8. 2. 2024

      Hi Christian,
      we're planning to add at least basic support for lab caches. Not so much the OpenCaching - the demand from other users has been so far very weak. As for the web management of tracks and points, we've recently addded an option to delete folders, tracks and points but even more is planned for the future. However, the web interface will never be as much featured as the app.

      • Christian Holzmann
        23. 4. 2024

        Hi Michal,
        jetzt hatte ich mal die Gelegenheit den ALC-Support der Live-Map zu testen. Sieht auf den ersten Blick gut aus (gefundene ALC werden mit Smiley gekennzeichnet), die Features sind allerdings noch sehr basic.
        Um Locus zur Routenplanung und Navigation auch bei den Labs sinnvoll einzusetzen, wäre es nötig, die Stages der Labs (auch der linearen!) darzustellen (ähnlich wie bei Multistages). Vor Ort benötigt man dann ohnehin die Groundspeak-App, diese ist (wegen Google-Karten) zur Navigation eher rudimentär geeignet.
        Habt ihr diesbezüglich noch was in der Planung?

        • Michal, Locus team
          24. 4. 2024

          In the nearest future it's the option to log labs offline and to enable geocaching tools for the labs imported in a GPX file.

    11. 2. 2024

    Buongiorno ho la versione classica da anni, chiedo se il numero di tracciati che si possono registrare è di 100.. perché non mi risultano alcuni tracciati recenti, e quanto costa la versione Gold 2024?

    • Michal, Locus team
      12. 2. 2024

      Hi, there is no limit on the number of recorded tracks in Locus Map Classic. The Premium Gold costs cca €25 per year.

  13. Roman
    3. 3. 2024

    Takže kešky už to stáhnout umí samo, perfektní. Ale v terénu třeba po týdnu nejde keš aktualizovat na současný dnešní stav. Co když se na keši od té doby něco změnilo, nebo ji někdo vymudlil ? To tu zatím znatelně chybí, doplněk toto uměl. Bude v budoucnu implementováno ? Jinak díky za posun k lepšímu. Bude se někdy integrovat třeba i doplněk na výpočet mysterek a multin ?

    • Michal, Locus team
      4. 3. 2024

      Dobrý den, aktualizace keší bude dostupná od následující verze aplikace. Další funkce pro geocaching jsou v plánu.

  14. NickNolte
    15. 3. 2024

    Online Version:
    if I search "Bingen" (town in germany) I dont find it.

    • Michal, Locus team
      20. 3. 2024

      Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Locus search is "location biased", i.e. it searches primarily strings occuring in the surrounding area. Nevertheless, we're still adjusting the feature for better results.

  15. Gerhard
    17. 3. 2024

    Guten Morgen, ich habe gestern irrtümlich den Link zu den GC karten angeklickt und kann die Login Seite von GC nicht mehr beenden. Ich verwende locus zum navigieren am Motorrad und will mich nicht bei GC anmelden. Habe versucht neu zu installieren keine Chance. Bei jeder Berührung des Bildschirmes kommt die Loginseite . HIIILFEEEE

    • Gerhard
      19. 3. 2024

      Ich habe locus deinstalliert und den account bei gc gelöscht. schade.

    • Michal, Locus team
      20. 3. 2024

      Hi, open the content panel and tap the "eye" next to the "GC Live map" button.

  16. Ahmed
    29. 3. 2024

    Very good

    • Michal, Locus team
      3. 4. 2024


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