Browse maps and control track recording with HW buttons in new Wear for Locus

Michal, Locus team

Navigating your outdoor activities from your wrist is now even better – we’re introducing a new, enhanced Wear for Locus Map 1.1.It runs on all Android Wear and Wear OS smartwatches:

Browse the map and orient yourself better in the landscape

Besides zooming the map you can now shift the map to another position and see what is ahead or around your position:

You shifted map somewhere far away from your position? Tap the centering button and get back to where you started:

You know where you’re heading – the map rotates in your direction during navigation:

Wearing gloves? No problem, push buttons!

Touching the screen in winter can be troublesome. Usually you wear gloves and feeling in your fingers is clumsy. Pushing or rotating buttons can feel much more confident.

If your watch has a rotating side button, you can zoom the map comfortably

With push side buttons you can quickly center the map, switch it into the rotating mode or shift between menu screens. You can easily control track recording. Push side button to start, to pause recording or long-push to stop the track recording when you get home from the trip:

Spring is coming fast, so get your bike ready for your first ride!


  1. sl91
    4. 4. 2018

    Any hope for a Garmin watch app release ? i.e.Connect IQ app. These watches are really great !

    • Locus team
      4. 4. 2018

      Hi, there is always some "hope" :). But the question "when" still remains...

  2. Tomas machalik
    4. 4. 2018

    Dobry den.

    Naistaloval som si danu aplikaciu wear for LM. Avsak neviem to rozbehnut na hodinkach samsung gear fit 3. Viete mi poslat prosim navod na instalaciu vytvorenu pre takeho idiota ako som ja. Dakujem

    • Locus team
      5. 4. 2018

      Dobrý den, doplněk Wear for Locus funguje na hodinkách s operačními systémy Android Wear nebo Wear OS. Hodinky Samsung Gear používají systém Tizen, který tento doponěk nepodporuje.

  3. Gerd B.
    6. 4. 2018

    Is it planned, to connect to wear os smartwatch sensors and store the data within the tracks, e.g. heartrate like btle heartrate chest belts?
    My Misfit Vapor has heartrate and altitude sensors.

    By the way, thank you for your very good app!

    • Locus team
      9. 4. 2018

      Hi, it should work, test it.

      • Gerd B.
        16. 4. 2018

        Have tested with my Wear Os Smartwatch. Sensors of heartrate and altitude are not visible under blootooth manager. Can I look somewhere other to configure this?

        • Locus team
          16. 4. 2018

          Hi, I'm afraid not. Thanks for reporting, we'll add your device as non-supported to our HRM list:

        • Locus team
          16. 4. 2018

          However, next version of Wear for Locus will support heart rate monitor in your device.

  4. Tomas
    7. 4. 2018

    Kdy se můžeme těšit na locus map na iphone?

    • Locus team
      9. 4. 2018

      Tomáši, tato varianta zatím bohužel není na pořadu dne, měsíce, ani roku. iOS neumožnuje, narozdíl od Androida, vytvořit Locus o stejné funkcionalitě a flexibilitě, takže o iOS variantě zatím reálně neuvažujeme.

  5. PIkay
    9. 4. 2018

    Which watches would you recommend or work fine with this new App?
    As I understood Samsumg Gear S3 would NOT work ..

    • Locus team
      9. 4. 2018

      You're right, this add-on works only with Android Wear/Wear OS smartwatches. Samsung Gear S3 has a different operation system - Tizen. We consider developing a Tizen version too but not sooner than in two-three months.

  6. Holger
    10. 4. 2018

    Hi, thanks for developing this. Will this app require a GPS within the watch or is it also possible to use the GPS in the connected smartphone?

    • Locus team
      10. 4. 2018

      Hi Holger, the app uses GPS in your phone.

  7. Gerhard
    12. 4. 2018

    +1 for a galaxy gear app. That would be perfect!

  8. Jaroslav Murgaš
    13. 4. 2018

    Prosím Vás aké hodinky s veľkým displejom odporúčate k tejto aplikácie? Pokukujem po Garmin Fenix 5X. avšak majitelia si sťažujú na malý displej. Ďakujem.

    • Locus team
      13. 4. 2018

      Dobrý den,
      tato aplikace funguje pouze na hodinkách s operačními systémy Android Wear a Wear OS. Hodinky Garmin mají jiný systém a Locus Wear na nich nefunguje.

  9. martin
    16. 4. 2018

    Dobrý deň, chcem sa opýtať, či smartwatch zn. Xiaomi Amazfit Smartwatch 2 podporujú túto novú funkciu skvelej aplikácie akou je Locus map. Ďakujem za odpoveď s pozdravom Martin.

    • Locus team
      16. 4. 2018

      dobrý den, Xiaomi Amazfit Smartwatch 2 nevyužívají Android Wear ani jiné otevřené platformy, běží na vlastním systému. Doplněk Wear for Locus funguje na operačních systémech Android Wear nebo Wear OS.

  10. Robert Gilmore
    18. 4. 2018

    Which Smartwatch are you using for the Wear for Locus Map 1,1 above ??
    Please let me know.

    Thanks Robert Gilmore

    • Locus team
      18. 4. 2018

      Hi, the dev working on it has Huawei Watch 2.

  11. UB
    19. 4. 2018

    Do I understand that right. Locus for Wear is only working if Wear device is connected to phone on which Locus is running? It can't rund without this connection?

    • Locus team
      19. 4. 2018

      exactly, Wear for Locus is just an extension of Locus Map in your phone, not a standalone app.

  12. Thomas
    3. 5. 2018

    Gibt es eine Anleitung zur Installation auf der S3?

    • Locus team
      3. 5. 2018

      Hi, Wear for Locus works only on Android Wear/Wear OS devices. S3 is a Tizen device.

  13. Fritz
    3. 5. 2018

    Hi, would it work with Pebble Time Smart Watch?

    Thank you

    • Locus team
      4. 5. 2018

      Wear for Locus works only with Android Wear or Wear OS devices. Pebble has its own system. Neverheless, there is a third party addon connecting Locus Map and Pebble:

  14. brizak
    9. 5. 2018

    Jak je to v případě, že mám například zapnuté navádění ke keši? Vidím cíl a naváděcí čáru na hodinkách stejně, jako na mapě v telefonu?

    • Locus team
      10. 5. 2018

      Dobrý den,
      ano, naváděcí čára a cíl navádění jsou vidět na hodinkách stejně jako na telefonu.

      • Ivan
        6. 6. 2018

        Mohli by ste prosím navrhnúť ktoré chytré hodinky sú na to vhodné? myslím tým konkrétny typ napríklad ten na ktorom to propagujete . Ďakujem

        • Locus team
          7. 6. 2018

          Dobrý den, doplněk Wear for Locus funguje na všech hodinkách s operačním systémem Android Wear nebo Wear OS. Náš vývojář používá Huawei Watch 2.

  15. František Polena
    13. 5. 2018

    Dobrý den, připravujete West for Locus pro Samsung Gear 3 ? Děkuji za odpověď.

    • Locus team
      14. 5. 2018

      Dobrý den, zatím ladíme Wear for Locus pouze pro zařízení Android Wear/Wear OS, ale v budoucnu není vyloučeno, že se vrhneme i na Tizen.

  16. dejal
    16. 5. 2018

    Does geocaching also transfer over to the watch? It would be nice to be able to keep the phone in my pocket when in the forest.

    • Locus team
      16. 5. 2018

      yes, geocaches are visible on the watch too.

  17. Mario
    24. 6. 2018

    Another vote for Great S3 :)

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